Bogus GW/GC. Earth is currently in an Ice Age with an average temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Only the last 2.5 million years Earth has Ice Caps. All past geologic ages for 650-million years the averge temerature was 50 to 90 degrees and there were no ice caps.
German Philosopher Professor Jurgan Habermas demands all participants in intellectual discourse to possess “participant knowledge”. In doing so, he deprived the majority of mankind of its most fundamental rights: to have a say in important matters. When Thomas Kuhn “Installed the concept of paradigms by way of “macro” (a materialized algorithm) into the software of modern thinking, he effectively did for academia what Habermas did for mankind in general: issues everybody with a “gag order.”
The government's bogus global warming accord is about forcing you to live in a smaller house, have fewer children, drive a smaller car, and restricting your travel. It is about your eventual enslavment. Don't believe it. 31,486 American Scientists have signed a petition including 9,029 with PhDs urging the United States to reject global warming agreements. Check this out:
I have been on a quest to alter societal evolution into a more benign directions with my books, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES and PHILOSOPHER’S STONE.
My book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES explains how the carbon resources were made. Our sun is in a 105,000-year elliptical orbit around the Procyon and Sirius star systems.
After reading about the direction our sun is traveling through space I plotted our course from Orion toward Hercules and in the process discovered that we are in orbit around the Sirius A and B which are only 8.5 light years away. We are part of a cluster of 100 stars ruled by these two giants. Sirius B is a neutron star of 1.5 earth diameters orbiting 20 earth distances from Sirius A. Every fifty years it gets so close to Sirius A that it feeds off from it several metric tons per hour causing it to put out thousands of times more invisible ultraviolet light than our sun. I am now convinced that the intense light from Sirius B is responsible for advanced multi-celled life forms on earth.
Our sun was born with about 40 other stars in an Orion dust cloud not too far from the Horse Head Nebula currently 1330 light years toward the center of the Galaxy (toward the Southeast). After our sun was born and most of the planets formed from dust rings we drifted out in the Orion Arm toward Hercules (northwest) for two+ billion years.
Galaxies make suns in dust clouds and send them out to make the body of the galaxy. After our sun was born and the earth formed from dust around the sun a billion years of volcanism gave earth a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere of 750 pounds per square inch. {The December Astronomy magazine mentions that early Earth had an atmosphere of 1,450 pounds per square inch and one third of that was carbon dioxide. Now Co2 is only .0033 percent and the government is using this as an excuse to control us?}
Earth was about one-third smaller diameter at that time. After that, we (our sun) drifted out into the cold of space for a billion years and earth had an ice age that lasted one billion years. All the oceans were frozen. Our sun didn’t burn as hot as it does today.
After a billion years of being covered with ice, earth and our sun drifted between Procyon and Sirius A and B which are over a billion years older than our sun. These giant stars orbit each other and each have about 8 times more gravity than our sun. When little, Sirius B orbiting Sirius A every 54 years came around, it grabbed hold of our sun and pulled it into orbit around Sirius A because it has 1.5 to 10 times more gravity than our sun. This was fortunate for us because the light and heat from these giant stars melted the ice on earth and started plants to grow in the oceans thereby releasing free oxygen. Our brother and sister stars kept going and are now 75 to 100 light years ahead of us toward the north and are known as the Constellation Ursa Major (Big Dipper).
Our fortunate capture by the Sirius system happened about 700 million years ago and this was the beginning of all complex multi-cellular life forms on earth. During the Carboniferous Era Sirus B laid down limestone layers up to 12,500 feet thick. The continental United States from the Rocky Mountains to the Carolinas was laid down at time with limestone layers on average over 2,500 feet thick. [Look up Carboniferous Era in Encyclopedia Britannica.] Carbon removed from the atmosphere during that era was laid down in Pennsylvania and Virginia as coal layers up to a hundred feet thick. Coal is made from grass and trees and plants of all kinds. Anthracite or hard coal is compressed from plant matter at a ration of 40 to 1. Soft coal is compressed down at a ration of about 20 to 1. The point is, coal, oil, and limestone are made from carbon dioxide using photosynthesis and ultraviolet light from space and the majority of it came from Sirius B. Our sun does not have enough power to keep us out of the ice ages otherwise we wouldn’t have them! If you want to know more please read my book. Go to my web site and download it for $4.
The point is Earth is loosing its atmosphere. We have a limited time on earth. During Biblical times the Oxygen was 35%. Reference books list it as 20% but it is down to about 18% yet we go on burning things? At the time of the dinosaurs the atmospheric pressure was around 30 pounds per square inch. Now it is down to 14.5 pounds per square inch. Before our sun was captured by the Sirius system earth had an atmosphere of 750 pounds per square inch. Over time and it was laid down as limestone, coal and oil using photosynthesis in the oceans and light from these stars. We have a limited time to get our act together and get off the planet so that we can seed life in other biosphere’s. I am sure that a man as foresighted as Richard Branson knows this otherwise he wouldn’t be building space ports all over the United States and spending 3-billion on alternate fuel research.
According to a new Time/ ABC/Stanford University Poll 85% of Americans believe that global warming is happening on some level. All this proves people still believe the government after all the dessception.
Yes as we get closer to our host stars we will eventually experience global warming. And, since we just came out of an Ice Age we should expect at least a one degree rise in temperature per century. In the mean time here are a few numbers to throw around.
The average person just sitting there in a chair give off 340 BTU’s per hour. A thousand persons in a building can run the air conditioning costs up to 340,000 BTU’s per hour just to keep the building at the same comfortable temperature. Given the poor efficiency of the air-conditioning equipment (about 50%) the actual amount of heat released into the environment by 1000 people inside a building is 50% more than if they are outside in the open air bringing the total up to 510,000 or about ½ million BTU’s hour. When you are working hard the average person can put out up to a thousand BTU’s per hour. There are conservatively 6.7 billion persons on the planet putting out two trillion two hundred seventy eight BTU’s per hour. When you add in the air conditioning BTU’s it is more.
Five percent of the world’s energy is produced by nuclear. Scientists claim more but they don’t count the third world nations energy needs.
The moon imparts 2E20 jewels per second on each square meter on the earth twenty-four-hours a day moving the tides around and the magma underneath our feet. How many watts of energy is that? One thousandths of that energy distributed equally over the surface of the earth is equivalent to 490 watts per square meter per hour.
The average input of energy the sun imparts to earth is only 350 watts per square meter because the sun only warms one side of the earth at a time while the other side is exposed to the cold of space. Going from a cold winter to a hot summer the sun’s energy difference is only 20 watts per square meter per hour. The suns peak input to earth on a hot day on the equator is 850 watts per square meter. It is much less when it is cloudy making the average around 700 watts of thermal input at the equator. You got to cut this in half because the other side of the Earth is dark. There is 200,000 terrawatts of energy reaching the surface of the Earth each hour. It is much less at higher latitudes and practically zero above the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circles. The snow and ice reflects much of the suns energy back into space at latitudes above 23.5 degrees. By tilting the Earth 23.5 degrees in increases the suns input to Earth by approximately 20%.
The new solar cells are capable of 40% efficiency so you can get a peak of 280 watts per square meter at noon on a hot day.
The world’s current oil consumption is 85 to 90 billion barrels per day. Each barrel of oil produces 5.8 million BTU’s. What is more important than the BTU’s release by this oil is the soot produced. The micro soot is accumulative and causes what scientists call “global dimming.
When China comes into the industrial age the global world oil consumption will be over a 100-billion barrels of oil a day by 2010. This figure does not count the oil consumed in production and transportation. The industry won’t release these figures because they don’t want the government to shut them down. Exxon made a 39-billion-dollar profit last quarter—that is, after spending as much as possible to keep the government from getting it. They would rather give it to the government than pay off their lawsuits.
According to General Motors Corporation the catalytic converter and subsequent federal requirements have lowered greenhouse gasses by more than 97% since the mid 1970’s.
The majority of the world’s electrical power is produced by big jet engines. Most of them have bad thermal efficiencies and the best ones have about a 50% thermal efficiency rating. On top of that they consume vast amounts of fresh water. Utility power plants are the world’s largest consumer of fresh water on the planet and mankind’s biggest contributor of heat to the planet. All the power plants in the world produce 15-terrawatts of electric power per hour. This power output will double within a decade with China coming on line. On top of that you have the consumption of fossil fuel increasing to 10-billion tons per year.
They are still burning several thousand acres of rain forest per day to make charcoal for the steel industry and to furnish charcoal for the locals to cook their food.
CNN news release: Sacramento, California (AP) August 31, 2006
“California will impose broad new caps on it greenhouse gas emissions under a landmark plan that marks a clear break with the federal government and which backers hope will become a national model.”
“Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who helped assemble the plan, called Wednesday’s agreement “an example of other states and nations to follow as the fight against climate change continues…”
In order to compute the human effect on global warming per hour on each square meter of earth you have to take the 90-billion barrels of oil consumed per day and add the oil used in refining and transporting it to market and divide that by the number of hours in a day (24) to find the total number of barrels consumed per hour. You then multiply this by the number of BTUs in a barrel. Add the total of waste heat from atomic power plants, coal, natural gas, rice paddies, rotting garbage heaps, cattle, elephants, sheep, cats and dogs plus the 6.7 billion humans themselves each radiating 340 BTU’s hour while sitting in a chair then convert this to watts is a big job. After a while you give up and throw in an arbitrary figure of about ten watts per square meter and call it good.
The point is: we are releasing an 800-million year accumulation of carbon resources in 100 years—carbon laid down using the invisible light from Sirius B --light that is a million times more powerful than our sun. Not only are we dumping heat into the environment in the form of low energy photons it is the carbon soot that causes more global warming than anything else--not to mention the irreparable damage it is doing to our health.
I think hydrogen peroxide is one of several viable answers. Not the diluted stuff in your medicine cabinet but a liquid that is much more concentrated and easy to transport. It can be manufactured by excess tidal and wind power. When you burn soft coal with hydrogen peroxide there is practically no waste because there is almost enough oxygen in it to completely combust the carbon and little or no atmospheric oxygen is consumed. [The burn efficiency is about 70%.] You could literally burn oily sand and get clean energy!
The same stuff can be burned in a diesel engine in your car. The Germans were powering their submarines with it in World War II. If the US Navy hadn’t towed them out and sunk them so that the technology wouldn’t get into the hands of the private sector we would be utilizing this source of energy today.
If NASA threw away their booster rockets fired with recycled rubber tires and used hydrogen peroxide and diesel oil they would get 50% more thrust with no pollution. This would allow them to put 50% larger payloads into orbit. But, like most government projects they are constantly shooting themselves in the foot due to mental constipation brought about mostly by the educational system and the thick-headed Germans like myself who are running the program
The newest solar cells are capable 40% production. There is a total of 200,000 terra-watts reaching the surface of the earth every hour of the day but the low angel of incidence near the poles and reflection off from ice reduces this amount considerably. The total number of watts per square meter striking the earth near the equator is about a thousand but due to cloud cover and the fact that half of the earth is in the dark the average that can be utilized is about 350 watts per square meter.
Windmills actually produce more power per square meter than solar cells-- up to 40 K. W. per square meter thus leaving a much smaller footprint on the earth. The little country of Germany has 21 giga-watts of wind power pulling all the time. There are some areas where the wind never stops blowing and there are some areas where the sun never stops shining. We humans, if we are smart enough, should be able to tap into at least a kilowatt of energy per square meter on earth.
There is a tremendous source of tidal energy in Alaska’s Turnagain Arm and Knik Arm and there is a company in Canada that will put in a six-lane, bridge across these bodies of water for free if we let them have the energy. The turbines are like large revolving doors in a department store big enough to let whales through. Whales as well as salmon can go through without being harmed.
If the electrical energy from the tides on upper Cook Inlet was utilized to make LH2 and H2O2 hydrogen peroxide it would furnish enough energy to power most of the United States. All this technology is well understood.
If we can get more of the wind, solar and tidal energy on line we can use any one of these to make hydrogen peroxide from water to smelt glass, steel and other things for export. The hydrogen peroxide can even be used for rocket fuel.
None of the above mentioned potential energy sources count geothermal. There is approximately 40 terrawatts leaking out of the surface of the earth every hour of every day from natural geothermal vents. Iceland gets almost all its power from geothermal. Instead of sitting there waiting for Yellowstone to blow up wiping out a third of the United States our government leaders should encourage energy companies to drill around the area and use the steam to generate electricity.
There is enough potential geothermal energy in Yellowstone Park in the giant underground caldera that extends south into Nevada and Arizona to power the United States for the next ten-thousand thousand years. Instead of waiting for it to blow up wiping off a third of the population of the United States off the map we should be cooling it off by pumping water down there and recycling the steam through giant turbines.
What you don’t see in the human impact of global warming is the micro soot given off by all this activity including jet contrails that cause global warming. There are countries in the world today that consume one-tenth the amount of oil that we do and they have higher education, a higher quality of life and they live ten years longer. They pay for it but you don’t see them invading foreign nations and killing people over oil.
The earth is loosing its atmosphere from a high of 1450 pounds per square inch to it present level of 14.5 pounds per square inch. During biblical times earth’s oxygen was 36% and now they say it is 20% but these are old figures. It really is down to 18% and less inside buildings where people are living and breathing the air. Obviously we have a limited time on this planet until we burn up all the oxygen have to go underground or out into space to find another planet to colonize with lots of water and a breathable atmosphere. Such a planet with an excess of incoming light in the UV spectrum to release free oxygen with plant growth and a high pressure Co2 atmosphere might be a little difficult to find—if not impossible.
The obvious lesson here is that we had better take care of our atmosphere by not burning it and quit wasting our time and resources fighting wars for planet domination to steal those resources. We need to get on with the development of more benign energy sources such as geothermal, hydrogen peroxide, fuel cells, wind, wave, and tidal power. There is a host of other advanced concept energy sources such as zero point, helium-3, earth energy, fusion and high voltage capacitor storage of atmospheric phoneme. Do you remember Benjamin Franklin flying a kite in an electrical storm to collect electrical energy? He may have been on to something.
Present day humans were created as slaves to serve the giant Anunnaki—the result of the mating of Nephilim (angels) with the primitive inhabitants of Earth. DNA tests don’t lie. They release death row prisoners on the basis of DNA. Human DNA is 98% the same as Chimpanzee DNA; only chimps have 48 chromosomes while humans have 46. One chromosome is missing and two others are fused together. During the process of creation it was necessary to program some human genes to worship their masters because it made them easier to control. This is why modern day humans still need religion. In fact they feel naked without religion.
Thousands of years of programming have made it easy for humans to give up their soul, their free will, their body, their labor, their money and even their morals to whatever religion feels good at the time. Because of this humans are easily manipulated into killing each other over theological semantics or false patriotism generated by government propaganda. Add to this the subtle programming of government mandated school systems that keep people ignorant and it is easy to see why modern humans are so easily manipulated by contrived events to where they will sacrifice their offspring to fight an imaginary enemy dreamed up by presidential advisors to keep the economy rolling.
Global warming is about hiring more regulatory bureaucrats and your eventual enslavement! &
Michael Asher
"This theory was originally proposed by physicist
Henrik Svensmark, who has published a number
of scientific papers on the subject. Last year
Svensmark's "SKY" experiment claimed to have
proven that galactic cosmic rays -- which the sun's
magnetic field partially shields the Earth from --
increase the formation of molecular clusters that
promote cloud growth. Svensmark, who recently
published a book on the theory, says the
relationship is a larger factor in climate change
than greenhouse gases."
David Christainsen - meteorologist
I was getting 1,400+ hits in 10 hours with the following:
There is no global warming or global cooling.
There is no global warming or cooling. If you take a look at the
Antarctic ice core graphs can see a history of earth temperature, Co2,
methane, and dust dating back about three million years. There is one
graph of benethic carbonate (carbon deposition on the sea floor)
dating back 6-million years. Increased carbon deposition is an
indication of a warm period because plants don't grow when there is an
Ice Age. Earth is currently in perihelion--one million miles further
away from the sun since the last 4,800 years. Soon we will be much
closer and have a warm winter!
God gave us a brain and if we refuse to use it he will be greatly
disappointed. The authors solve the greatest mystery of all time by
plotted our sun’s course from its birthplace in Orion. Little Sirius B
with 1.5 times the gravity of our sun grabbed hold of us putting us
into orbit around Sirius A. Our sun’s fortunate capture by the Sirius
system took Earth out of a billion-year Ice Age with additional light
and heat.
It took the power of a white dwarf putting out hundreds of times more
UV than our sun to break through early Earth’s 1400 PSI C02 atmosphere
and get life started on the surface of the waters. The invention of
non-cyclic photosynthesis created eight times more food production
that allowed predators to exist and gave us our free oxygen coal, oil
and limestone made from carbon dioxide (Co2).
Global warming is a hoax. Our sun doesn’t have enough power to keep us
out of Ice Ages otherwise we wouldn’t have them! We are in an Ice Age!
During all previous geologic ages when the majority of the coal, oil
and limestone were made from Co2 Earth’s average temperature was 50 to
60 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature on Earth is now 32
degrees. A stellar explosion three million years ago blasted our sun
into an elliptical orbit where we go out to nine light years below the
galactic plane.
Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 everything on the planet dies and you
can’t grow food. Our atmosphere is depleted to .033 % Co2 and our
government wants to take your tax dollars to pump it underground????
Given the fact that 90% of our atmosphere is gone and that the major
producer of free oxygen “diatoms” are disappearing; will stupid humans
keep on burning things? We need to get a handle on this and start
using sources of energy that don’t consume oxygen like geothermal,
solar, wind and tide.
This book is about the conscious enlightenment of humanity necessary
to save itself from extinction.
The comments I get refuting basic logic that is available to all is evidence that something is wrong with the curriculums. Much of what we are taught was engineered for societal manipulation to keep us focused on the wrong things such as GW and GC.
I find it amusing when I get feedback about trees not growing above a certain level because there isn't enough Co2 plant food. Where do you think the carbon come from that makes carbon based life forms like THE SHEETROCK ON THE WALL?
GW/GC nuts refuse to look up the facts. Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 the planet dies and you will starve to death. Co2 is a trace gas! It accounts for only .033% of our atmosphere.
If mankind were to some how able to double the amount of Co2 it would still be a trace gas at .066%. Co2 is also heavy. It is twice as heavy as oxygen and about 1/3 heavier than nitrogen so human release of Co2 is partially responsible for smog around cities because it tends to hang below the 3000-foot level until the wind mixes it up. Check out the specific gravity of Co2 compared with nitrogen and oxygen to verify this fact!
Because Co2 is heavy, trees don't grow above a certain level because there isn't enough Co2 food for them to grow.. That is why there is a timberline duhh!
Co2 is an extremely valuable resource. You got two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom. If you were smart you could burn it in your car or heat your home with it!
The sheetrock on the wall of your house was made from Co2 using UV light from space. The coal that heats your house and gives you electricity was made from
Co2 using invisible UV light from space in the invisible 350 to 400 nanometer range.
The oil and makes your car go down the road was made from Co2 and hydrogen.
If anyone is interested where the energy came from to make our carbon resources read my book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES or if you have no interest in where the free oxygen came from you are currently sucking into your lungs you can go on my web site and order a book about Sarah Palin or books about Barack Obama or John McCain all of which will not alter human release of Co2 in any way. Now methane! That's another story.
The authors solve the greatest mystery of all time by plotted our sun’s course from its birthplace in Orion. Little Sirius B with 1.5 times the gravity of our sun grabbed hold of us putting us into orbit around Sirius A. Our sun’s fortunate capture by the Sirius system took Earth out of a billion-year Ice Age with additional light and heat.
It took the power of a white dwarf putting out hundreds of times more UV than our sun to break through early Earth’s 1400 PSI C02 atmosphere and get life started on the surface of the waters. The invention of non-cyclic photosynthesis created eight times more food production that allowed predators to exist and gave us our free oxygen coal, oil and limestone made from carbon dioxide (Co2).
Global warming is a hoax. Our sun doesn’t have enough power to keep us out of Ice Ages otherwise we wouldn’t have them! We are in an Ice Age! During all previous geologic ages when the majority of the coal, oil and limestone were made from Co2 Earth’s average temperature was 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature on Earth is now 32 degrees. A stellar explosion three million years ago blasted our sun into an elliptical orbit where we go out to nine light years below the
galactic plane.
Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 everything on the planet dies and you can’t grow food. Our atmosphere is depleted to .033 % Co2 and our government wants to take your tax dollars to pump it underground????
Given the fact that 90% of our atmosphere is gone down from a high of 1450 PSI to 14.5 PSI and that the major producer of free oxygen “diatoms” are disappearing; will stupid humans keep on burning things? We need to get a handle on this and start using sources of energy that don’t consume oxygen like geothermal, solar, wind and tide.
This book is about the conscious enlightenment of humanity necessary to save itself from extinction. &
Too bad the GW lemmings never look at the thermometer or even bother to go outside to shovel snow. Most of them are wheelchair bound freaks with Stephan Hawking hand wands and their only enjoyment is trying to seem intelligent by typing one to three-word sentences on the web. Their sex life is web porn because any kind of interpersonal relationship either male or female is out of the out of the question due to their underlying anger. This shines through when you comment on these truths because they so quickly resort to profanity.
Did you ever listen to a teenager talk on a CB radio. That is exactly what most of these forums sound like. Obviously most of them are affected by attention deficit disorder and low IQs. Their inability to formulate long sentences gives them away--especially when they type moron by pressing the same keys on their hand wand ten times for each letter.
Please forgive them because, "They know not what they do.”
We had ten inches of snow October 9th and lots of rain. Earth is in perihelion one million miles further from the sun this summer. This plus the fact there were few sun spots may be the reason we couldn’t grow a garden this summer. My potatoes were the size of lemons and my turnips were the size if the new small-size, Washington apples.
Last winter we had our normal two or three cold snaps in Kenai, Alaska with temperature below 10 degrees F.
GW is all about keeping the Bohemian Grove Rothschild Alliance elite in power forever. These are the same characters that own or control most of the stock in the energy companies. This all dates back to a time when money didn't exist and birthright and control where the currency. More about this in my book, Caucasians which will be out next year.
Anti-Rothschild alliance has been formed in Tokyo.
The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia, China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the planet.
What will really happen? Watch carefully. There are some interesting times ahead.
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero, instead of paying China in dollars.
The agenda to create a North American Union, will effectively erase the borders of the USA with both Mexico and Canada -with this new common currency, known as the Amero for the new 3-in-one nation, to replace the dollar.
The last president to print Treasury notes was Kennedy and we all know what happened to him. and
Carbon credits, GW and GC are merely topics to keep us focused away from the real threats to human health and the environment. All fossil fuels have radium. Radium is in oil and we breathe in enough of it in the larger cities to alter our DNA and make us glow in the dark. Five hundred tons of it winds up in land fills from coal generating plants in the U S each year. Even the best water and electrostatic collective devices can’t remove enough of radium to nullify the danger it poses to human and animal health and we eat beef, chicken and lamb chops grown down wind from coal generating plants.
Get this! Radium is 60-times more radioactive than enriched uranium and we used to wear in on our wrist watches to read them at night.
China is building one new coal generating plant a day. Obviously much of the microscopic carbon and radium out-gassed from these plants will come down as acid rain over the United States. We are not building any new coal generating facilities in the US at the present time.
Radium is one of those rare elements that sell for $1000 a milligram to medical facilities. That is one-million dollars per gram and we throw tons of it into land fills and breathe in and eat the rest. Obviously big industry has a vested interest in keep this information from us. Most of the radium on the market is a byproduct of the mining of uranium.
Carbon emissions from the burning of coal can be reduced 50% or greater by burning it with hydrogen peroxide. Not the 3% dilute stuff in your medicine cabinet but the pure stuff made from water. The process is well understood and has been kept under wraps since World War II when the US navy took all the German submarines powered by H2O2 out to sea and sank them. Hydrogen Peroxide turns into superheated steam when it comes into contact with a silver catalyst.
The energy TZARS don’t want this technology to fall into public hands. There is enough surplus wind energy in Aleutian Islands to power the world with H2O2. It can be transported by oil tankers and if spilled is relatively harmless.
What we should be doing is using sources of energy that doesn’t consume oxygen like wind, solar, tide and geothermal. Forget the radioactive stuff that can be used as weapons of mass destruction. There is enough geothermal under Yellowstone Park to power the entire United States for hundreds of years. Instead of waiting for it to blow up and wipe half the nation we should be pumping water down there to cool it off and make electricity out of the steam. Tell that to President, Barack Obama! AND
Deaths from fossil fuel!
The easiest place to get Radium is from yellowcake but they don’t extract very much to keep the price up. By limiting the supply and hording it they keep it at $1,000,000 per gram.
There are 21,000 deaths per year in the US from radon gas and radon and 400,000 deaths for the world! This is amazing because this is about 1/3 the number of deaths from auto accidents and you never hear anything about this horrible threat to human health and the environment. Big business must keep this secret and keep us focused on bogus disinformation such as GW and GC.
Can you imagine how much Hell would break out if there were 20 deaths from bird flue in the US? When someone died from botulism from eating peanut butter we heard about on the news for over a week! They have been telling us there is no radon on the planet and the propaganda goes on and on so they can keep on burning fossil fuels.
I am now more concerned about Earth loosing it's oxygen due to stupid humans burning things than either GW or GC. This is due to my book research when I was writing COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES & GLOBAL WARMING which will be available in a couple months on Amazon and Barns & Noble and on my web site: and
We have had atomic weapons now for fifty years. It is a miracle we havent destroyed ourselves.
Anti-Rothschild alliance has been formed in Tokyo.
The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia, China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the planet.
What will really happen? Watch carefully. There are some interesting times ahead.
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero, instead of paying China in dollars.
The agenda to create a North American Union, will effectively erase the borders of the USA with both Mexico and Canada -with this new common currency, known as the Amero for the new 3-in-one nation, to replace the dollar.
The last president to print Treasury notes was Kennedy and we all know what happened to him. and
Fear created out of thin air is all about creating regulatory jobs for bureaucrats thereby giving more power to the government—as if they don’t have enough already.
One scientist being paid by the government writes about ocean acidification and the affect it might have on the food chain and everyone automatically assumes that it is the gospel truth and like lemmings jumps on the bandwagon.
The following is a direct quote: “Worldwide, the tailpipes, smokestacks, and land-clearing activities of human civilizations produce more than 32 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year. About a third of that annual flux mixes into the sea. There it forms carbonic acid, which depletes the ocean’s rich soup of calcium and carbonate, the nutrients from which many marine organisms – including key plankton that sustain fish stocks – literally build themselves. Rising CO2 levels in the ocean will also directly harm many fish and shellfish, reducing their growth and survival rates.”
This--along with buzzwords like “carbon footprint” and “food miles” reinforce the religious belief systems that human activity is actually effecting the oceans that cover 4/5ths of the planet.
Obviously all the GW/GC propaganda (monkey motion) is designed to scare people into accepting more government control over their lives. Commercial fishermen already burdened with shorter seasons, individual fishing quotas and 200-mile limits are being buffaloed into accepting more restrictions on the ability to harvest fish.
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that Fishing fleets account for 0.5 % of fuel consumption and that food processing accounts for 1 % of emissions. Once you factor in the global fuel and coal consumption the world’s fisheries generate only .22% of all CO2 emissions.
How much fuel is consumed in the wars to protect the oil fields in foreign countries world wide? It is more like 50% when you add up all the heavy bombers, fighter jets, trucks, tanks and armored utility vehicles. After the war is over the military must maintain a continued presence with bases and aerial over flights.
GW/GC is Counterintelligence Disinformation
Carbon credits, GW and GC are merely topics to keep us focused away from the real threats to human health and the environment.
All fossil fuels contain radium. Radium is in oil and we breathe in enough of it in the larger cities to alter our DNA and make us glow in the dark. Five hundred tons of it winds up in land fills from coal generating plants in the U S each year. Even the best water and electrostatic collective devices can’t remove enough of radium to nullify the danger it poses to human and animal health and we eat beef, chicken and lamb chops grown down wind from coal generating plants.
Get this! Radium is 60-times more radioactive than enriched uranium and we used to wear in on our wrist watches to read them at night.
China is building one new coal generating plant a day. Obviously much of the microscopic carbon and radium out-gassed from these plants will come down as acid rain over the United States. We are not building any new coal generating facilities in the US at the present time.
Radium is one of those rare elements that sell for $1000 a milligram to medical facilities. That is one-million dollars per gram and we throw tons of it into land fills and breathe in and eat the rest. Obviously big industry has a vested interest in keep this information from us. Most of the radium on the market is a byproduct of the mining of uranium.
Carbon emissions from the burning of coal can be reduced 50% or greater by burning it with hydrogen peroxide. Not the 3% dilute stuff in your medicine cabinet but the pure stuff made from water. The process is well understood and has been kept under wraps since World War II when the US navy took all the German submarines powered by H2O2 out to sea and sank them. Hydrogen Peroxide turns into superheated steam when it comes into contact with a silver catalyst.
The energy TZARS don’t want this technology to fall into public hands. There is enough surplus wind energy in Aleutian Islands to power the world with H2O2. It can be transported by oil tankers and if spilled is relatively harmless.
What we should be doing is using sources of energy that doesn’t consume oxygen like wind, solar, tide and geothermal. Forget the radioactive stuff that can be used as weapons of mass destruction. There is enough geothermal under Yellowstone Park to power the entire United States for hundreds of years. Instead of waiting for it to blow up and wipe half the nation we should be pumping water down there to cool it off and make electricity out of the steam. Tell that to President, Barack Obama! and
Anti-Rothschild Alliance formed in Tokyo!
The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia, China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the
planet. What will really happen? Watch carefully. There are some Interesting, times ahead.
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states: Instead of paying China in dollars the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero.
The agenda to create a North American Union will effectively erase the borders of the USA with both Mexico and Canada -with this new common-currency, known as the Amero for the new 3-in-one nation, to replace the dollar. also:
Hank Kroll
As a kid growing up in the small town of Seldovia, Alaska we knew the name of every boat in the harbor, when it was built, who the owner was and how many pounds of king crab it brought into town last year, the year before and the year before that. We knew when every boat was built, by whom, its cruising speed, what type of engine it had plus the engine it replaced. We knew the shaft diameter, the reduction gear ration, the propeller pitch, the diameter and could calculate hull speed without using pencil and paper.
Three universities, three million pounds of king crab, tanners, several thousand tons of herring, two million pounds of salmon, four fishing boats, four airplanes, one ex-wife, three houses, ten grandsons, twelve books and a publishing company later I find myself fishing salmon on my old set net sites in Tuxedni Bay with my wife. I forgot how strenuous this fishery is. Superwoman almost worked me to death. I lost twenty pounds and my arms doubled in size to their girth of twenty years ago. I now resemble Arnold Swartzanegro who recently turned 61—only I have a few years on him.
I had a hunch the fuel prices would be outrageous this year so I decided to try manufacturing and burning as much hydrogen in my boat as possible. Given the measly output of my 65-amp alternator I am limited to using about 25 amps so I installed an extra bank of batteries on deck. The optimum amount of hydrogen you can burn in a diesel engine without blowing it up amounts to about a 40 to 45% fuel saving. If you go over that and you might have an expensive repair bill. You don’t have to be a genius to do this but it helps. Any kind of volatile gas you feed into your intake will tend to make the engine run a little faster but when this happens the governor pulls back on the rack automatically decreasing the amount of diesel fuel going in. HO with the extra kick of oxygen and hydrogen will help make your diesel burn cleaner with more complete combustion of the fuel.
By supplementing your diesel with hydrogen you also increase the range of your boat. I only have a 365 gallon tank capacity on the Brisk. Now that I am supplementing with hydrogen I don’t have to worry about running out of fuel if I want to take a trip to Kodiak.
Installation of the electric unit was easy on my boat because the engine air intake is outside the cabin. I had to bring outside air into the engine two decades ago when I installed the Cummings because the bearing in the turbo kept burning out. The temperature in the engine room was reaching over 100 degrees in the summer and when you shut down the oil in the turbo would cooks out of the bearings. When I’d start up again they would squeal until the oil reached them. Outside air is colder and denser which means you are sucking in more oxygen which gives you a slightly better fuel economy. Not only does outside air increase fuel economy it prolongs the life of your turbo. A four-inch PVC pipe intake pipe solved the problem. I ran it up behind the cabin and put a bucket over the air filter to keep the rain and spray out. This made it easy to get the hydrogen into the engine by simply duck taping the end of the small hose under the air intake and drilling a few small holes in the bottom of the filter. Hydrogen is the lightest gas known so it goes strain up anyway.
I estimate that my electric generator produces enough hydrogen to save 20% of my fuel costs. I am only running 25 amps through it but the unit can take up to 50 amps. It uses less than a gallon of distilled water and one level teaspoon of baking soda for the electrolyte. Being a guy I threw the directions away first thing and dumped in a half-cup of baking soda. When I turned in ton it pegged the amp meter so I had to drain the water out of it three times to get the amps down to a reasonable level. To learn more go to If you want to see it in action go on You Tube and search “Turbomax”.
The five tube cluster cost $485 and arrived two days after I ordered it. The Goldenrod fuel filter I had in my junk pile. All the other pipe fittings and hoses I bought at Home Depot for a cost of $125. The amp meters and switches set me back about another $100 but the whole setup paid for itself in four trips across Cook Inlet.
The HO generator consists of five stainless steel tubes eight inches long with 3/8-inch titanium rods in the center insulated from the outer tubes with nylon nuts. Since then I built several myself for other equipment that I own.
The other hydrogen generator I installed is extremely low maintenance and oxidizes beer cans. It consists of a 30-gallon plastic barrel with an air tight hatch bolted to the top. A five gallon bucket will work in a car or pickup and when the troopers pull you over you have an excuse for having all the empty cans in the back seat.
You fill your container with any fresh water and lye or caustic soda. I used 8 pounds of lye in my 30 gallon barrel which is a weak mixture to make the process last longer. You flatten out about 70 or 80 beer or pop cans and dump them in. If you don’t flatten them out they float. Basically, it oxidizes the aluminum taking the oxygen out of the water and releasing the hydrogen in the process. The waste aluminum is turned into aluminum oxide. If you forgot what that is look on the back of any piece of sandpaper. It is garnet sand. You can melt it with your browns gas generator and make rubies and emeralds out of it.
The Germans were filling their air ships using zinc and aluminum seventy years ago. About ten percent of the weight of the aluminum is turned into hydrogen so you get about 100 milligrams of hydrogen from one kilogram of aluminum. This works out to about 100 horse power produced from one kilogram (2.2 pounds) of aluminum. I am dumping in three kilograms or about 6.5 pounds of aluminum per five-hour trip. This gives me an extra 50 horsepower for five hours. The trick is to make it last by adjusting the lye mixture so that you don’t get all your hydrogen at once. It is not as difficult as it sounds. You simply stomp a bunch of cans flat and toss them in while you engine is warming up. Now I need to find a deckhand that can drink two cases of beer a day. Do you suppose there is a deckhand out there that can drink two cases of beer a day?
Future projects:
Now that you know how to make hydrogen why not use it for other purposes? A new hydrogen powered auxiliary generator for your boat, trailer or motor home? You don’t need an exhaust system for your hydrogen powered auxiliary (except to get rid of the heat) because the exhaust is drinkable water. However if the engine you use has worn rings you will get some oil smoke.
Any gasoline engine with the carburetor removed will work but air cooled engines will give off more heat and is easier to install. You simply install two metering valves in a convenient location and feed the hydrogen into the intake hole where the carburetor used to be with a 1/8 copper line. A basketball inflation tube works well on the end to mix the hydrogen with incoming air. You also have to retard the timing about 11 degrees. There are ignition systems out there where you can alter the timing without filing another kea way in the flywheel—however this is also a possibility. Some ignition coils can be mounted in a different location to retard the ignition by drilling and using self-taping screws. You can view complete instruction on how to do this on You Tube. Your auxiliary should last a very long time because there is no carbon build up. Longevity depends on how much power you are taking out of it.
If you want to heat your boat engine room, trailer or motor home in the winter you can install a T in the exhaust line to duct some of the exhaust heat inside. You are burning hydrogen so your exhaust is H2O. If you need any help with assembly or just want to chat, my phone number is on my web site,
Logical answers to the questions: Who we are? Where did we came from? and Where we are going?
You will never view your existence on this planet the same way after reading cosmological ice ages.
The authors plotted our Sun’s course from its birthplace in Orion to its capture by the Sirius and Procyon multiple star systems. Prior to Earth’s capture by these two giants Earth was in an Ice Age for over one billion years. That’s a long time for nothing to happen then the additional light and heat from Sirius A took Earth out of a billion-year Ice-Age while the intense, invisible ultraviolet light from Sirius B, 100 times more powerful than our Sun pierced early earth’s 1400 PSI atmosphere to get life started in the oceans.
The light from little Sirius B is the only object in the vicinity that could possibly get through early Earth’s thick 1450 PSI atmosphere and explain the 100-foot thick layers of coal, oil and limestone up to 12,500 feet thick laid down in past geologic ages. At the present time we are heading back toward Sirius at 7.5 kilometers per second. [Some astronomers say 14 kilometer per second.] Our orbit period is 105,000 which corresponds with Ice Ages.
A good portion of the carbon resources on Earth were laid down by light energy that didn’t come from our sun and we are burning them up in 200 years. Since the major producers of free oxygen the diatoms are mostly gone we might be using up our oxygen. We need to get a handle on this to prevent our demise!
Dinosaurs with forty-foot wingspans could easily fly in the 200 PSI Jurassic Era atmosphere. Animals were huge and giant humans roamed the Earth. You could put six-foot wings on you PA-12 and it would perform the same as today’s 14.5 PSI atmosphere.
Three million years ago there was an explosion that created Banards’s Loop between us and Orion. [This is well documented in the book by scientists and astronomers in Switzerland, America and Mexico City.] The explosion was so violent that it pushed three two-solar-mass stars out away from each other in a triangle formation at 200 kilometer per second and they are now 800 light years away from a central point. I believe it was this explosion that caused our solar system to loose its tractor beam with Sirius B putting us out into an elliptical orbit in the cold of space. The first Ice Age elliptical orbits were short 20,000 years but they steadily increased and we now go out to 9 light years before coming to a stop and heading back toward Sirius. The orbit period now is 105,000 years which exactly matches the Ice Age cycle.
Earth wasn’t very productive during the last ice age so Thoth brought the moon in to tilt it 23.5 degrees. Thoth was the Egyptian God who lived 32,000 years, built the Great Pyramid, wrote the Copper Scroll, Emerald Tablet and other books. Bringing in the ancient spaceship Moon doubled arable land on Earth and doubled the productivity of the oceans so that Earth could sustain larger populations of humans and animals.
The builders of the pyramids knew our Sun was born in Orion and orbiting Sirius because they aligned all their monuments with these stars. Ancient stone monuments depict two Suns in the sky and a Moon.
To order go: ~ ~
Our sun is now lined up in the galactic plane more water and iron dust is coming in to fertilize the world’s oceans. Additional light and heat (infrared and ultraviolet photons) are making the oceans bloom thus releasing more free oxygen.
Additionally our sun is swinging in a million miles closer to the sun increasing temperatures of one or two degrees. Increasing light and heat means a better winter wheat crop in the Northern Hemisphere.
Our closer than normal proximity to the sun which occurs ever 4800 years will cause the temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere to be a few degrees warmer than usual contributing to a hot summer thus reinforcing the GW religious belief systems.
Educational brainwashing responsible for the narrow perceptions regarding direct observation of the environment leaving us at the mercy of the government disinformation specialists who have an agenda to enact more legislation giving the government more power. The result of all the anti-carbon legislation is driving down the standard of living in areas with the most government control [such the US] in preparation for a massive societal reorganization.
The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia, China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the planet. What will really happen? Watch carefully. There are some Interesting, times ahead.
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin yesterday states: Instead of paying China in dollars the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero.
The agenda to create a North American Union will effectively erase the borders of the USA with both Mexico and Canada -with this new common-currency, known as the Amero for the new 3-in-one nation, to replace the dollar. also:
University Counterintelligence
Much of what is taught in the major universities is counterintelligence (brainwashing) to keep us burning fossil fuels forever. The rich energy producers need us to keep status quo so that they can keep milking the public cash cow [us] forever. It’s all about money!
In high school we were forced to stand, salute the flag and recite the pledge of allegiance. After that we were forced to sing the Star Spangled Banner. If anyone objected he was kicked out of the room and possibly the school. “Oh say can you see any bed bugs one me….” By the eight grade time anyone with a little soul left developed a deep seated resentment and rebelled at every opportunity. [No wonder the government is so afraid of terrorists. They created them!]
Next we had to recite the Lord’s Prayer. “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed by thy name…” Kick your neighbor’s ass as you would have them kick your ass… etc. etc. That was OK but then we had to sing Hail Columbia. By that time we were total anarchists as we sung, “My eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school. We have tortured every teacher we have broken every rule…”
Looking back it is hard to believe the insanity. Once a day all through grade school and high school they kept us in a state of fear for our lives by having us cower under our desks with our hands over our heads in preparation for the inevitable atomic bomb blast—as if the Communists would waste an atomic bomb on our small town.
We faking every IQ test they ever gave us. One method I used was to answer a few of the questions at random with the correct answer then since it was multiple choice, with four possible answers, we knew we’d get about 25% on the rest of the test. By adding up the number of correct answers and adding 25% and subtracting the results from the total number of questions we could keep our IQ below 100. If we exceeded 100 they would put us in special classes where you actually had to work! Its’ a wonder any of us graduated with a brain cell left.
The first university I attended was a state land-grant college where the tuition was paid for by the state. They took in 3,800 freshmen the beginning of each school year and charged each of them $800 for room and board. That means the university took in three million forty-thousand dollars. It was a rich state and they paid an additional $800 for each student which means they took in a total of six-million eighty-thousand dollars the first semester. The Dean would put two million in his pocket the first semester.
We each were assigned an advisor who made sure we were put into at least two classes that we had no chance of passing. Since my major was electrical engineering one of my guaranteed failure classes was analytic geometry and calculus. There were 110 students in that hour-long class so the teacher spent zero time with individual students. The instructor was young and as long as he was getting a paycheck didn’t care if any of us passed or not. After each lecture he’d give us a list of theorems to prove. Some of the theorems took three to four hours each unless you were a wiz so we didn’t have time for anything else. Out of the 110 students in that class only 8 passed and five of them had taken the class two and three times before.
Having graduated from a small high school in a small town with the dumbest teachers on the planet I had no chance of passing that class. Since I was taking only 12 credits the two impossible classes they put me in was enough to make sure I would flunk.
I did fine in the rest of my classes but like the other 3000 freshmen students I didn’t make the grade. Two weeks before the second semester they sent us a bill of $880 for the second semester along with a letter of apology for raising the tuition. Without knowing for sure we were going to flunk, the majority of us dunderheads paid the bill giving the university another $3,280,000 out of which $2,550,000 was stolen from the dunderheads. Add to that what the state kicked in and the Dean stuck another two million or so in his vault.
I was in the Reserve Officer’s Training Core. We had to polish our shoes and press our uniforms and learn to march. At midterm a few of the more dedicated went Gung Ho to see if they could out perform the rest of us at handling a rifle.
At the end of the semester they grouped us together in squads of ten in front of the entire school. We did our parade dress drill twirling our rifles around and slamming the butt down on the gym floor next to our shoe at attention at the end. One by one the non Gung Ho cadets were eliminated by a waver or slight mistake. Eventually all were eliminated except for one Gung Ho character and myself. We went through the drill for a good fifteen minutes while the drill instructor tried to find some little error. I stood my ground to the last and was praised for my dedication. The purpose of the drill was to show how practice make perfect and to prove that the Gung Ho were than the rest however, I didn’t practice and I was as good or better than any of the Gung HO. It just sort of came natural.
I eventually qualified at the rifle range winning the expert medal. The Viet Nam War was in full swing and anyone not attending a university was a prime target for the draft. The Army needed recruits and since the Army was running ROTC they probably gave the Dean a kickback for every student they flunked.
When the 3000 freshmen were flunked out and told to leave the majority of them either joined the Army or were drafted. Not only did this university ruin a lot of lives by creating low self esteem they got a lot of them drafted into the Army. Many of them never returned.
The next year I enrolled in junior college and was fortunate to have the famous B. F. Skinner for a physics professor. I made Valedictorian the first semester with 18 credits. Thinking over my experience at the state run university a few years later I remembered that I had paid them for the second semester and didn’t get a refund. That is when I sat down with a calculator and started to add up how much money they were taking in. The Dean, (who I cannot mention by name for fear of reprisal by his rich family) must have been worth 30 million dollars when he passed away.
I had the dubious pleasure of riding in the same automobile with him and the local state representative. I never said a word. In retrospect he should have gone in front of a Grand Jury (firing squad) and sentenced to prison.
Is it any wonder why so many university, trained people have a total lack individual creative thought? Humanity is doomed with future generations of drones who must abide by and believe the false premise that, “energy can neither be created nor destroyed” and that “transmutation of elements is impossible?”
Open any physics book and it will say that photons have no mass. That isn’t quite correct. When you stand near your wood stove you can feel the infrareds photons coming out and making the molecules move around in your behind. If photons didn’t have mass you wouldn’t be able to see because they have to reflect off from things and stimulate the cones and rods in your eye. Gravity bends light so photons must have mass. The toy radiometer we used to play with as a kid spins around when photons are absorbed by the black side of the paddles.
Team Hubble came up with some figures on the mass of the photon and it is 5.81E-66 grams. They also say there are 1E100 photons for every atom. When God said, ‘Let there be light” he wasn’t kidding. If you multiply the two numbers by subtracting -66 zeros from 100 zeros you get 5.81E34 grams. The mass of our solar system with all the planets is 2.0E30 grams. God greatly favored the photon creating so many that they could account for all the 78% dark matter.
Zero point energy exists in great quantities all around us as particles are being created and destroyed in untold numbers. Various elements are constantly being created from larger particles known as m-state with counter-rotating electrons—the reason being that the weak force is weaker in particles that are ten to fifty times larger than atoms. Philosopher’s Stone, 220 pages available at all major book sellers and COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES will be available soon at: &
Why would God create a creature that uses 5% of its brain?
Depending on our age humans are made up of 70 to 90% water. When you drink dead, chlorinated water laced with fluorides, pesticides and fertilizer you think accordingly. All the malice, alls the hate, all the stress is imparted in the water. When this water is recycled through iron pipes, the information sent back to our homes and enters our bodies. There it enters the bio plasma of our brains. Your brain is a reflection of your environment.
Through morphogenetic fields our brains are entangled with all living cell on the planet. When the planet is suffering the rest of us will suffer accordingly. Experiments in remote communication between humans ten-thousand miles apart have been confirmed. The hypothesis is that the water plays some part in this but scientists have no way to prove this.
My hypothesis is slightly different in that it is the m-state in water that is altering the structure and providing the communication. M-state, also known as ORMUS and orbitally rearranged monatomic elements exists in huge quantities in ratios as high as 10,000 to 1. Their Cooper-paired, counter-rotating, electrons produce time anomalies reducing their mass to near nothing. ORMEs are large particle about fifty times larger than atoms that look like the planet Saturn and due to their unique shape cannot form electron bonds but must remain in the monatomic state or m-state. It does reproduce high frequency magnetic fields with no loss of power.
Hal Putoff and other scientists working for General Electric helped David Hudson get 22 patents on the material he calls orbitally rearranged monatomic elements or ORME. Another acronym is ORMUS.
Because ORMUS is so large (50 to 100 Fermies in diameter) the atomic forces holding the protons together are much weaker making it possible to create elements with magnetic pulses of varying frequency. To see the actual alchemical process of extracting the material being performed according to the recipes in my book go on You Tube and type in ORMUS.
Ultra small magnetic pulses or Messner fields transmit information through the ORMEs with no particle exchange therefore there is no loss of power and they fit the technical definition of a superconductor in that they magnetically resonant couple. The coupling is non-local and messages can be sent to the other side of the galaxy in one Planck second.
When you are passing electricity through a copper wire every time an electron leaves a copper molecule it kicks out two, low-energy infrared photons. Run enough electrons through the wire and there are so many infrared photons produced that the wire gets hot and burns in half. This loss of power is called resistance. When using magnetic fields there is no particle loss therefore there is no loss of energy.
When you run magnetic pulses from one ORME particle to another it transmits the power magnetically to there is no heat generated and no loss of power. E=HF is Planck’s constant. Energy equals Planck’s constant, times frequency. The higher the frequency the more power is transmitted from one particle to the other so when you are working with umpteen gigahertz you get an immense transmission of power which would explain how human thought can alter the physical world.
Human thought isn’t the only thing that changes things. Armies of bacteria can pollute water. Happy flocks of birds can change the environment. Herds of animals happily galloping over the planes, massive schools of fish all create morphogenetic fields which alter the environment. Earth is a living thing with all things connected. When you alter or destroy one thing it changes everything.
Humans are clear cutting and burning forests the size of Great Britain annually. Humans have plowed up most all of the available agriculture land on the planet and made half of that unusable by the application of chemical fertilizers, paraquat, weed killers and over planting. Half of the greatest producers of free oxygen on the planet, the plankton and diatoms in the oceans are gone. The bees are dieing due to the pollen from genetically altered foods which acts like a poison to them. The idea behind GM foods was to make them resistant to harmful insects so that farmers could get greater food production. No thought was given to how it would affect the bees which are needed to pollinate the plants. Increased electromagnetic radiation from cell phones radio, radar and HAAEP is driving the bees underground.
What kind of morphogenetic fields are we sending out into the cosmos? Is the Earth responding to what we are doing to it by altering the weather? Is the Earth in a self preservation mode? Earthquake, volcanism, fires and floods have killed off 4-million people in the last ten years. Another 4.5 billion have been left homeless and affected by higher energy and food costs.
Scientists and religions leaders do not doubt that global consequences can be altered by a single thought! All you have to do is wait for the conditions to be right. The flapping wings of a butterfly can trigger a hurricane. Let us work together to create a morphogenetic field of peace, love and gratitude.
Philosopher’s Stone
Let’s pretend for a minute that you are the King or Queen of a small nation with ten-thousand barbarians trying to takeover your country. What do you do? You will do anything to stay in power and outsmart your enemy including, ingesting substances to extend your life and increase your intelligence. That’s why this technology has been locked up and kept secret for thousands of years. If this gets out, all nations will become obsolete! Think of a world where the average IQ is over 200.
Plants take it out of the soil and use it to power cell division. You don’t get enough of it your diet because you eat mass-produced supermarket food that has been grown on the same soil for 200 years. That is why Americans are getting dumber, have a shorter life expectancy and will contribute lots of money to the health-care industry.
I spent over twenty years researching and writing this book and didn’t know why exactly other than the fact it was so interesting. When injected you suddenly go from using 5% of your brain to 20, 50 even up to 80% of your brain. Some people need psychological counseling because you take in all the thoughts and misery from people around you. You can levitate and walk on water. You can put thoughts into people’s minds. The responsibility that goes with the use of this material is more than some people want to take on. It super conducts during cell division enabling your body cells to live longer because they don’t loose telomeres, (the little molecules at the end of the DNA chain that determine how long the cell will live).
Thousands died seeking this technology worth millions. That’s why it took me two years to decide to put the recipes in the book. I was afraid of change. I eventually came to the conclusion that there had to be a good reason why I was writing this book. We need it now to save the human race!
You can have this technology in my 209-page book that contains seven recipes to make m-state in your kitchen. The cost is less than twenty dollars—a small price to pay for immortality. Dialing 1-(877) buy book. You may also get it by going online to: or
CO2 is a trace gas amounting to only .033% of our atmosphere and it has not increased greatly over the last 100 years. Please look up the CO2 content of our atmosphere to confirm what I am saying!CO2 is also plant food. Without it everything on the planet dies! We need more CO2! There is no global warming. It is a government disinformation campaign to hire more regulatory bureaucrats to take away your freedom!
GW/GC nuts refuse to look up the facts. Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 the planet dies and you will starve to death. Co2 is a trace gas! It accounts for only .033% of our atmosphere.
If mankind were to some how able to double the amount of Co2 it would still be a trace gas at .066%. Co2 is also heavy. It is twice as heavy as oxygen and about 1/3 heavier than nitrogen so human release of Co2 is partially responsible for smog around cities because it tends to hang below the 3000-foot level until the wind mixes it up. Check out the specific gravity of Co2 compared with nitrogen and oxygen to verify this fact!
Because Co2 is heavy, trees don't grow above a certain level because there isn't enough Co2 food for them to grow.. That is why there is a timberline duhh!
Co2 is an extremely valuable resource. You got two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom. If you were smart you could burn it in your car or heat your home with it!
The sheetrock on the wall of your house was made from Co2 using UV light from space. The coal that heats your house and gives you electricity was made from
Co2 using invisible UV light from space in the invisible 350 to 400 nanometer range.
The oil and makes your car go down the road was made from Co2 and hydrogen.
If anyone is interested where the energy came from to make our carbon resources read my book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES or if you have no interest in where the free oxygen came from you are currently sucking into your lungs you can go on my web site and order a book about Sarah Palin or books about Barack Obama or John McCain all of which will not alter human release of Co2 in any way. Now methane! That's another story.
Black diamonds from space indicate age of universe!
If nobody was there to see it, was there a Big Bang? The whole idea that such a titanic explosion could come from a single point the size smaller than a Planck length 10E-35 meter and then billions of years later we are here to explain it may be a creationest manifestation of reality.
“The instant of creation remains unexplained.” ---Professor Allan Guth of MIT
“The actual point of creation lies outside the scope of present day known physics.” ---Stephan Hawking
Can science verify a consciousness? Are there watchers who protect us from ourselves or is it quantum entanglement? Are we uncouscously shareing quantum entanglement? Is there a God consciousness field responsible for creation? “Religion without science is blind.” What if we could acieve consciousness enlightment individually?
I am still not convinced that there was a big bang for a number of reasons. The newest space telescopes are now seeing galaxies out to 14 billion light years and they seem to be speeding away from us at increasing velocities nearing the speed of light. For all we know photons might rund down and shift to the red after traveling 14-billion light years. We just don’t know. The Big Bang theory is probably a religious manifestation of reality.
In fact, the Big Bang theory was invented by the Catholic Church. “What!” you say. “I thought Edwin Hubble invented the Big Bang theory.” Well, that’s not quite correct. A Catholic monk, George Lemaitre, first proposed the Big Bang theory in 1927. American, Edwin Hubble published the idea in 1929 two years after the Catholic Church grabbed onto the idea. It was Hubble that attached the mathematics to the idea in an attempt to make sense of it. The Catholics invented the idea to unite the Biblical idea of creation with science at the time. You can’t make something out of nothing. The fundamental laws of physics specifically state this of in order to explain the creation of all matter in the universe in an instant from an infinitesimally-small, microscopic point you have to have an event with infinite energy. The Catholic Church endorsed the Big Bang Theory because it fit the Biblical creation paradigm, that there is an infinite God or YHWH.
After Hubble published the theory the Church heralded it as proof that the bible was scientifically accurate and “Divine Truth.” Scholars have been debating the validity of this theory for decades.
If the Big Bang theory is a reality, according to my reasoning it does not contradict the Biblical six-day creation theory. Say for example, if God were going to set off a firecracker big enough to create everything he would need at lease a couple days head-start to get his spaceship up to light speed before it went off. This might keep him ahead of the blast just far enough to survive because he would be traveling at 99.9999 percent the speed of light and his time would be slowed down to nothing.
Our present knowledge of physics dictates that 12 to 13 billion years will have passed while God traveling near the speed of light only experienced a time elapse of three days. He would have had to set the charge just right to create third dimensional matter. One way of doing this would be to create lots of ORME atoms first which he could control with his brain waves. Then he would use these particles to transmute the necessary elements to support life in all it various forms.
During the 12 to 14 billion years of time matter was supposed to have expanded, destroying and recreated again into its present state God would have had to regulate this process with brain waves. It would take God another day or so to slow down from light speed, find a suitable world or worlds, and push them into the correct orbits to support life. Then he would have to find a moon to regulate the life cycles and get somebody to man it. Hence “The Man in The Moon.” Then he would have to take off again to put a few billion more worlds into orbits everywhere. Finally on the sixth day he would come back to find a world teeming with life (dinosaurs) of every description. Then he would have to put hunters down there with big guns to kill off the dinosaurs.
The oxygen levels would have to be high enough to support animal life so obviously he would have to put in orbit near a white dwarf star so that the phytoplankton and diatoms would do their job of mopping up the CO2 releasing oxygen for so-called higher life forms to breathe. God would then have to kill off most of the animal life that is harmful to man and then create the first man to have dominion over what he created. The easiest and most cost effective way to do this is to divert a meteor into the Earth. Obviously, God had lots of deck-hands or helpers (Angels) to do this.
By this time, advanced civilizations throughout the Universe and planets in other galaxies would have had a much longer time to evolve and be capable of space travel. They were very interested in Earth because it had such a high pressure atmosphere that was 1/3 CO2, the gas necessary for the creation of all life, carbon being the perfect molecule to bond cell membranes. The great pyramid is a model of a carbon molecule. They would have come to earth many times in the past to help mankind evolve. The latest data shows that man’s DNA is a composite of 22 different alien species. We have lots of relatives!
They came down here and took some chimpanzee DNA, mixed in 22 of their own specie and turned them loose to see if they would kill each other off. This was done to eliminate a galactic war. We do the fighting why they stand back and bet on the contestants.
Einstein, being a member of the Christian-Jewish community was forced to go along with the Big Bang theory but he had his reservations. He wondered where the energy came from in the first place. There was no way he could explain an infinitely small space creating enough energy to make everything. Then when you get into expansion theory, science turns into science fiction.
There is no way mankind can advance when he lets religion dictate what is real and not real. Mankind will never discover the true meaning of God when he forces his own ideas upon reality. If he is allowed to persist in this fruitless endeavor he will never discover the truth.
So, when did time begin? In Scientific American May 2004 issue: “Science does not have a conclusive answer yet, but at least two potentially testable theories plausibly hold that the universe-and therefore time-existed well before the “big bang” (I don’t think there was one). If either scenario is right, the cosmos has always been in existence and, even if it re-collapses one day, it will never end.”
When will our galaxy collide with Andromeda?
“Current measurements suggest that, I about 3-billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda may collide.” –John Dubendki Hayden Planetarium University of Toronto, Canada. This is more evidence that there is no such thing as a big bang forcing the universe to expand. Galaxies wouldn’t be colliding if they are getting further apart!
If the Universe is expanding then why are galaxies colliding? Shouldn’t they be getting further apart? The huge number of colliding galaxies throw another monkey wrench into the big bang theory. Einstein wasn’t completely convinced that there is such a thing as a big bang but he went along with it to placate the status quo. To read more of Einstein’s ideas on this subject and others read my book, Cosmological Ice Ages. &
Then there is the fact that as we (our sun) travels through space while orbiting the galaxy we encounter very old red dwarf stars. These are burn’t out crisps so old that they could possibly be left over from prevous big bangs. One of these stars is Banard’s Star 5.88 light years to the northwest coming toward us at 14.5 kilometers per second.
All elements decay only it take any billions of years for uranium to turn into lead. All the heavy elements above iron are created in stellar explosions. The number of heavy elements on the surface of the Earth convinces me that the cosmos is very very old. First of all a star has to evolve and cook for billions of years until it burns off all the hydrogen. Then the helium starts to burn and finally after billions more years it will swell up into a giant red or shrink down into a white dwarf. Sometimes the explosion is so violent that the star will shrink down into a neutron star or even a black hole. All this takes time—impossible measures of time. If we knew more we could determine the age of any planet by the carious compositions of elements in the crust. A younger planet would have less time to collect heavy elements.
They built the Panama Canal with black diamonds. The cutting tools used to slice through the rock were made of black diamonds. Large black diamonds can only come from space. A red dwarf is too hot to make black diamonds and stars are definitely too hot so the only other explanation is that they came from black dwarfs.
The simple fact that black diamonds from space exist is partial proof that black dwarfs exist. If black dwarfs are a reality then the universe is tens of billions of years older than present estimates—possibly eternal.
Stars smaller than our Sun would eventually after tens of billions of years use up all their fuel. Carbon bubbling away in the left over hydrogen and nitrogen gas for billions of years formed large diamond crystals one meter in diameter. Such large diamonds could only have formed under the heat and pressure of a burnt out star known as a black dwarf.
Black diamond found in only a few places on Earth may have crashed down from space in a kilometre-sized rock, according to new research.
The diamonds, also called carbonado, are only found in Brazil and the Central African Republic. Unlike other diamonds, they are made of millions of diamond crystals that are stuck together.
They are also porous, which is a puzzle. Scientists say it would have been difficult for gas to become trapped in rocks at depths of about 200 kilometres below the Earth's surface. The intense pressure there turns carbon into conventional diamonds.
"This is the feature that first led some of us to think, well, perhaps there has to be a different alternative," says Stephen Haggerty, a geologist at Florida International University in Miami, US, and an author of the new study.
Because carbonado diamonds have only been found in two places and never in traditional diamond fields, some scientists suspected they crashed to Earth from space.
Haggerty believes they came from a large, diamond-bearing asteroid that may have fallen to Earth billions of years ago, when the planet and the Moon were being heavily bombarded by space rocks. Carbonado has been dated to be between 2.6 billion and 3.8 billion years old.
At that time, South America and Africa were one land mass, which could account for the diamonds showing up on two continents today, Haggerty told New Scientist.
He and his colleagues believe the diamonds have ancient, rather exotic origins, forming around a star other than the Sun. Using an infrared synchrotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, US, they found hydrogen in the carbonado that indicates the diamonds came from hydrogen-rich interstellar space.
The diamond dust from which they formed may have been released when a star exploded in a supernova billions of years ago.
The diamond dust then became part of the cloud of gas and dust from which our solar system condensed. Over time, it coalesced into larger clumps that became embedded in asteroids "like plums in pudding", Haggerty says.
The new spectral measurements of the carbonado closely resemble those of other diamonds found in meteorites, as well as diamonds seen in space (see The night sky really is studded with diamonds) Journal reference: Astrophysical Journal Letters (vol 653, p 153)
Diamonds From Outer Space: Geologists Discover Origin Of Earth's Mysterious Black Diamonds
ScienceDaily (Jan. 9, 2007) — If indeed "a diamond is forever," the most primitive origins of Earth's so-called black diamonds were in deep, universal time, geologists have discovered. Black diamonds came from none other than interstellar space.
In a paper published online on December 20, 2006, in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters, scientists Jozsef Garai and Stephen Haggerty of Florida International University, along with Case Western Reserve University researchers Sandeep Rekhi and Mark Chance, claim an extraterrestrial origin for the unique black diamonds, also called carbonado diamonds.
Infrared synchrotron radiation at Brookhaven National Laboratory was used to discover the diamonds' source.
"Trace elements critical to an 'ET' origin are nitrogen and hydrogen," said Haggerty. The presence of hydrogen in the carbonado diamonds indicates an origin in a hydrogen-rich interstellar space, he and colleagues believe.
The term carbonado was coined by the Portuguese in Brazil in the mid-18th century; it's derived from its visual similarity to porous charcoal. Black diamonds are found only in Brazil and the Central African Republic.
"Conventional diamonds are mined from explosive volcanic rocks [kimberlites] that transport them from depths in excess of 100 kilometers to the Earth's surface in a very short amount of time," said Sonia Esperanca, program director in the National Science Foundation's Division of Earth Sciences, which funded the research. "This process preserves the unique crystal structure that makes diamonds the hardest natural material known."
From Australia to Siberia, from China to India, the geological settings of conventional diamonds are virtually identical, said Haggerty. None of them are compatible with the formation of black diamonds.
Approximately 600 tons of conventional diamonds have been mined, traded, polished and adorned since 1900. "But not a single black/carbonado diamond has been discovered in the world's mining fields," Haggerty said.
The new data support earlier research by Haggerty showing that carbonado diamonds formed in stellar supernovae explosions. Black diamonds were once the size of asteroids, a kilometer or more in diameter when they first landed on Earth.
Adapted from materials provided by National Science Foundation.
I highly doubt the supernovae origin of black diamonds because Black Dwarfs don’t blow up. We do the best we can using information that trickles down through the government filtering process. ----Hank Kroll
Dear Sam;
I am aware of the recent small reported rise in Co2 attributed to industrialization but how do we know it isn't some disinformation project to hire regulatory bureaucrats to take away what little freedom we have left? I don’t know how you could even classify Co2 as a green house gas when it makes up only .033 % of the atmosphere. It is a trace gas! The data is based on a .48 degree rise since the 1950’s whereas each time a volcano erupts it lowers global temperatures .6 degrees.
Shutting down agriculture and big business by forcing them to scrub carbon out of the air isn’t the answer because it would cause millions of people to freeze and starve to death. When you talk about having us, the public pay for scrubbing the carbon out of the air and pumping it underground using more crude oil to do so that gets really invasive.
The answer to stopping the vast majority of the human released of CO2 and C2O2 is very simple. Stop burning things. We have geothermal, wind, tide, solar, water power and hydrogen sources of energy that don't consume oxygen. You can’t use crude oil or coal energy to pump CO2 underground. That is the “ultimate stupidity.”
It is obvious that if we keep on burning things the oxygen will eventually be depleted. Earth has already lost 99% if its atmosphere from a high of 1450 pounds per square inch down to 14.5 PSI at sea level. The biggest producers of free oxygen are already gone. Half the plankton in the oceans is missing. Half the rain forest is gone. I could go on wining about these things but it doesn’t solve the problem. The answer to the problem is simple. Use more solar, wind, geothermal, tidal energy and burn things with H2O2. This stuff can be made with surplus wind, tide and solar energy. I’ll explain more in a moment.
FYI: Co2 is plant food. If you take it away the whole earth will starve to death. The biggest producers of CO2 are volcanoes. When the big one blew up in the Philippians, Krakatau lowered global temperatures several degrees due to the dust thrown up in the upper atmosphere blocking sunlight and CO2.
“Krakatau, also Krakatoa or Rakata, small volcanic island, southwestern Indonesia, in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra. Until the night of August 26-27, 1883, Krakatau had an area of 47 sq km (18 sq mi); at that time, a volcanic eruption and its consequent explosions destroyed most of the island, so the present area is only 15 sq km (6 sq mi). The eruption produced huge ocean waves called tsunamis that reached an estimated height of 30 m (100 ft) and traveled 13,000 km (8,000 mi); these waves drowned about 34,000 people along the coasts of Java and Sumatra and destroyed incalculable amounts of property. In addition, pyroclastic flows of hot volcanic ash traveled more than 40 km (25 mi) across the surface of the sea and fatally burned at least 2,000 people. An explosion in the eruption series produced one of the loudest noises in history; it was heard at a distance of 4,800 km (3,000 mi). The material ejected was in the form of fine dust, which was diffused by aerial currents throughout the upper atmosphere; for three years thereafter, observers all over the world reported brilliant colorations of sunrise and sunset, caused by the refraction of the rays of the sun by these tiny particles. The island displayed volcanic activity again in 1927, and the inhabitants were evacuated; the island is now uninhabited. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
A partial solution to the human release of CO2 would be to burn carbon resources with an extra oxygen molecule thereby cutting emissions over 50%. Air is only 20.8 % oxygen and it is not a very efficient mixture for complete combustion because air is mostly nitrogen.
Burn all carbon fuels with H2O2. The technology is well understood. You make the stuff using surplus electricity from windmills and it can be transported in oil tankers. If there is a spill in the ocean it won’t hurt anything except to add more oxygen to the ocean.
The Germans were running some of their submarines on H2O2 during WWII. Our government took them all out and sunk them so that the technology wouldn’t fall into our hands. With the extra oxygen molecule they could run their engines under water. Silver is used as the catalyst. It instantly turns to steam on contact with silver.
We are a cash cow and they want to keep us burning fossil fuels as long as they can to make the energy producers richer and have more power over us.
I don’t know why the greatest brains on the planet can’t come up with this stuff. Maybe it’s due to the low oxygen content inside the building they are working in or the school systems. I just don’t know. They all need a mental enema.
I don’t think you have a complete understanding of the Ice Age Cycle and for that matter none of use do. It all happened a very long time ago. All we can do is keep digging. Going by Antarctic ice core graphs the Ice Age cycle is only three million years old. Prior to that time there were no ice ages except going way back before there was life on the planet there was an ice age that lasted one billion years with the entire Earth covered with ice several miles high. That is a long time for nothing to happen.
Some say there were 6 ice ages and some say 9. There is one graph of carbon deposition where they drilled down through the sea floor sediment near Antarctica that show carbon deposition (benethic carbonate) during warming periods going back six million years. On this graph you can clearly see when the Ice Age cycle began and how many. I count 58 Ice Ages during a three-million–year period. At first the Ice Ages were short only 10 to 20-thousand years. The last Ice age lasted 90-thousand years. As our elliptical orbit around Sirius decayed our Sun now goes out to nine light years and comes to within 1/10 LY.
The Antarctic ice core graphs show a record of CO2, temperature, methane, and ice deposition going back close to three million years and for the most part CO2 is lower than it is today. However, if you go back to when the climate was warmer prior to three million years and things grew well the CO2 was much higher than it is today and at one time when life began on the planet it was over 20% of our atmosphere. Venus now has a 117 PSI atmosphere that is mostly CO2.
Where do you think the carbon resources came from? Didn’t they come from CO2, plant growth and sunlight (photosynthesis)? In ancient time our sun didn’t burn as hot as it does today so how could it be responsible for laying down all the carbon resources? The Carboniferous Era created layers of anthracite coal 100 feet in Utah, Pennsylvania, Virginia and other places cannot be explained using light from our sun. The carboniferous also laid down calcium carbonate limestone (carbon and calcium) layers up to 12,500 feet thick. This took incredible amounts of photosynthesis and Co2! This cannot be explained using light from our sun. The light had to come from some place else.
At the present time Earth is still in the three-million-year-long Ice Age cycle with an average temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Prior to three million years ago there were no Ice Ages and average temperature on earth was 50 to 60 degrees and during the carboniferous it was up toe 80 degrees F.
I am just trying to cut through the BS and get to the facts here. After years of research I am convinced that whoever brought the Moon in 13,000 years ago creating the Arctic Ocean, freezing herds of camels, horses, mastodons and people and tilted the Earth from a near vertical inclination to the sun to 23.5 degrees thereby doubling arable land and doubling the productivity of the oceans was a genius. It also pushed the continent of Antarctica up to an average height of 6,500 feet above sea level, caused volcanism world wide and caused a flood of biblical proportions.
The main reason we are not covered with ice at the present time is because the Moon imparts 2E20 Jules of energy to Earth every second 24-hours a day. 1/1000th of that energy is enough to warm the Earth’s surface more than what the sun gives us because it goes on 24 hours a day stirring the magma beneath our feet and tide and wind. If that isn’t direct evidence of terra forming I don’t know what is. There is much more evidence for this theory in my book including who engineered this project.
I know all this sounds fantastic but I put all the math and gravity data in the book so that the reader can figure it out for themselves and make up their own mind. I don’t want anybody to take my word for anything. In the mean time please go on the web and study all the Antarctic and Greenland ice data and it will give you a more clear understanding of what is really happening.
To find out where and how earth got out of a billion-year ICE AGE and how life really got started on this planet you will have to get a copy of my 350-PAGE book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES. I hope it will be ready in a month on my web sites. and
No Global warming as Earth is recovering from volcanic eruptions and mini-ice age.
The global warming Bible is the multimillion-dollar Inter-government Panel on Climate Change or IPCC. They actually believe that it is God’s word set in stone but it totally ignores two very large sources of energy affecting the climate on Earth and some of the information has been skewed to satisfy an agenda of depopulating the world. This panel was partially funded by the elitist Bilderberger Group, Rothschild, Rockefellers and others invested in maintaining control.
The IPCC report itself reminds me of the three blind men examining an elephant. The first blind man felt a leg said, “The elephant is like a tree.” The second blind man felling the trunk said, “The Elephant is like a snake.” The third blind man feeling the tail said, “An elephant is like a piece of rope.” A fourth blind man slipped and fell in it said, “Whew! An elephant stinks.”
We just came out of a Little Ice Age so we can naturally expect a one degree rise in temperature every decade! “There is no exact agreement as to which dates mark the beginning and end of the Little Ice Age, but from about 1350 to about 1850 is one reasonable estimate.” ---IPCC Historical Overview of Climate Change Page 108.
When Captain James Cook mapped Cook Inlet in 1774 he didn’t have any trouble navigating up Cook Inlet to map Turnagan Arm because there was no ice. He thought he had found the Northwest Passage but he had to turn again so he named it Turnagan Arm. The point is there wasn’t much ice at the time so the Little Ice Age wasn’t too severe in 1774. Later on the glacier ice creep seaward a mile or more.
I collect old maps for posterity and have 1904 marine charts of lower Cook Inlet and Kachemak Bay. At that time glaciers were at the mouth of the fjords now known as Sadie Cove and Tutka Bay. The Harding Ice Field covered most of the head of Kachemak which is now grazing land. The fact that we came out of a small ice age is not evidence of global warming. It is a good thing because it makes more arable land and living space for larger human populations.
In 1876 Samuel Langley compared the brightness of sunspots with that of the surrounding photosphere. He concluded that they would block the emission of radiation and estimated that at sunspot cycle maximum the Sun would be about 0.1% less bright than at the minimum of the cycle, and that the Earth would be 0.1 to 0.3 degree centigrade cooler. –IPCC Historical Overview of Climate Change page 108
Page 101 of the IPCC report has a graph of world surface temperatures Figure 1.3. One person out of nine had the guts to record the correct temperatures showing the end of the little Ice Age from 1850 to 2000 and that was Willett.
IPCC disinformation BIBLE funded by global elite to keep us focused away from the real threats to the planet.
You got this big object up there in the sky from we stand is the exact same diameter as the Sun and it makes the continents rise up and down imparting 2E20 Jules per second on Earth and most scientists ignore it as a source of energy. It stirs the molten rock beneath our feet, heats the oceans, increases wind velocity and creates tides and GW nuts professing to be authorities on the subject totally ignore it like the 900-pound gorilla in their living rooms.
NASA recently discovered the other 900-pound gorilla by studying the moons of Jupiter. NASA scientists were wondering why certain moons were hotter than they should be by gravitational heating, had thick atmospheres and volcanism. They now think the interior heating comes from radioactive material.
During planet formation the heavy metals tend to sink to the core and many of the heavy metals are radioactive. Radium, uranium, thorium, etc. exist in rich quantities near the core of some planets and volcanically active moons. It is theoretically possible to blow up a planet by sinking a detonator near the core. Maybe this is how they blew up the planet Tiamet creating the asteroid belt?
NASA dropped 20 pounds of enriched uranium onto Jupiter to see what would happen with the intent of creating a second sun. That would have had a substantial effect on any mythical global warming! You can check this out on Richard Hoagland’s web site,
Geologically, planets are gigantic nuclear reactors. I remember reading a 1970’s National Geographic article that pictured a huge South African open-pit, uranium mine. They were excavating uranium ore with heavy machinery when they came across an area where there was an ancient nuclear reaction. The uranium was so rich that the high radioactivity, heat and pressure caused atoms to split and it cooked for many thousands of years until it ran out of uranium fuel. I bet all the people who were working in the massive radioactive pit are LONG DEAD.
The point is, Earth’s radioactive core keeps the interior molten so that the Moon can stir it causing volcanism. The 10-million or so undersea vents along the Ring of Fire and other places spew carbon dioxide and pillow lava while heating the oceans and modifying the climate on the surface. This is most evident when one of those ocean currents changes course and whole continents freeze. Increasing and decreasing volcanism is partially regulated by planet alignments and the magnetic affects of solar activity.
The third possible effect to human caused global warming glossed over by the IPCC is the several trillion gigawatts of cell phone, FM, AM, TV and VLF HAARP electromagnetic energy being pumped into the atmosphere. Then you have the Russian woodpeckers pumping gigawatts into the atmosphere intentionally warming the oil fields to increase production. If we had hard numbers on this and a heat conversion figure we could figure it out be we have nothing. They also spray coal dust from transport aircraft over vast areas to absorb sunlight thereby warming the climate around their oil fields. Nobody knows what kind of threat this posed to our environment.
Earth is an ongoing eugenics project with the elitist white Zionist Jews funding the wars to kill off the black Jews and Arabs using Christian farm boys to do the dirty work. Jesus was a black Jew as evidenced by the many ancient, black Madonna’s located in various churches throughout Europe.
Much of the eugenics bloodshed in the world is encouraged by organized religions funded by the elite rich with the warped “One World” vision of re-wilding the Earth to create a replica of the “Garden of Eden.” Lying about human release of CO2, aerosols, global warming, acidification of the oceans is all disinformation tools for societal restructuring.
According to the Historical Overview of Climate Change Society the amount of solar energy reaching the top surface of the clouds above Earth is 1,370 watts. The amount of solar energy averaged over the entire planet is ¼ of that or 342.5 watts. 30% is reflected back into space by the ice caps leaving 239.75 watts per square meter –IPCC NUMBERS.
I am aware of the recent small reported rise in Co2 attributed to industrialization but how do we know it isn't some disinformation project to hire regulatory bureaucrats to take away what little freedom we have left? I don’t know how you could even classify Co2 as a green house gas when it makes up only .033 % of the atmosphere. It is a trace gas! The data is based on a .48 degree rise since the 1950’s whereas each time a volcano erupts it lowers global temperatures .6 degrees.
Shutting down agriculture and big business by forcing them to scrub carbon out of the air isn’t the answer because it would cause millions of people to freeze and starve to death. When you talk about having us, the public pay for scrubbing the carbon out of the air and pumping it underground using more crude oil to do so that gets really invasive.
The answer to stopping the vast majority of the human released of CO2 and C2O2 is very simple. Stop burning things. We have geothermal, wind, tide, solar, water power and hydrogen sources of energy that don't consume oxygen. You can’t use crude oil or coal energy to pump CO2 underground. That is the “ultimate stupidity.”
It is obvious that if we keep on burning things the oxygen will eventually be depleted. Earth has already lost 99% if its atmosphere from a high of 1450 pounds per square inch down to 14.5 PSI at sea level. The biggest producers of free oxygen are already gone. Half the plankton in the oceans is missing. Half the rain forest is gone. I could go on wining about these things but it doesn’t solve the problem. The answer to the problem is simple. Use more solar, wind, geothermal, tidal energy and burn things with H2O2. This stuff can be made with surplus wind, tide and solar energy. I’ll explain more in a moment.
FYI: Co2 is plant food. If you take it away the whole earth will starve to death. The biggest producers of CO2 are volcanoes. When the big one blew up in the Philippians, Krakatau lowered global temperatures several degrees due to the dust thrown up in the upper atmosphere blocking sunlight and cooling the whole Earth .6 degrees.
With the development of deep diving submarines scientists count many more undersea vent than they expected. Estimates of the number of undersea vents along the Ring Of Fire is more than one million with three million world-wide releasing CO2 into the oceans making them more acid. The heat generated is causing ocean currents to change thereby affecting the climate.
Canwest News Service 25 June 2008:
The arctic seabed is as explosive geologically as it is politically, judged by the “fountains” of gas and molten lava that have been blasting out of underwater volcanoes near the North Pole.
Explosive volatile discharge has clearly been a widespread, and ongoing, process,” according to an international team that sent unmanned probes to the strange, fiery world beneath the Arctic Ice.”
The team returned with images and data showing the red-hot magma has been rising from deep inside the Earth and has blown the tops of dozens of submarine volcanoes, four kilometers below the ice.”
“Jets or fountains of material were probably blasted one, maybe even two, kilometers up into the water,” says geologist Robert Sohn, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, who led the expedition.”
The team explored the volcanoes last summer as the Russians were planting a flag on the nearby sea floor, triggering an international flap over ownership of the seabed.”
The 1,800-kilometer-long ridge, which cuts across the Arctic from Greenland to Siberia, is in international waters. It is one of the planet’s “spreading” ridges where molten rock rises up form inside the Earth, creating new crust.”
In the valley where to two crustal plates are coming apart, which is about 12 kilometers across, they found dozens of distinctive, flat-topped volcanoes that appear to have erupted in 1999, producing the layer of dark, smoky, volcanic glass on the seabed.”
Such undersea volcanic activity could very well be causing the arctic ice packs to melt thereby causing scientists and others intent on societal manipulation to blame human release of CO2. Watch out for the coming GW regulatory bureaucrats!
The increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are not the only factors influencing climate. Explosive volcanic eruptions can inject enormous amounts of sulfur dioxide and ash into the atmosphere. Aerosol particles injected into the stratosphere can result in climate changes lasting up to several years. Observed climatic responses to the Mt. Pinatubo eruption have included tropospheric cooling, stratospheric warming, and an overall drop of about 0.5°C in the global average surface temperature.
The IPCC base their whole theory of global warming on a global temperature rise of .48 degrees C over a period of five decades and are blaming it on the human release of aerosol gases and the trace gas CO2. Do you see the disparity here?
“There are not yet comprehensive estimates of how the effects of changes in aerosol concentrations, changes in land cover and land use, and changes in concentrations of greenhouse gases will combine with natural influences to alter the global climate. Examination of the temperature record of the last 100 years does show a warming of about 0.5°C, only temporarily reversed recently by the volcanic influence of Mt. Pinatubo, suggesting that the enhanced greenhouse effect is exerting the primary influence. The fact that this warming is somewhat less and different in timing than that predicted by computer models emphasizes the need for continuing research directed toward gaining a better understanding of both human and natural influences such as solar variability on the climate system.” –Global Cooling Google search.
“It is estimated that when Mount Pinatubo erupted the ash spread in the upper atmosphere lowering global temperatures .5 degrees C. Mount Pinatubo, active volcano in the Philippines, in the central part of the island of Luzon, at the juncture of Tarlac, Zambales, and Pampanga provinces. Mount Pinatubo is almost 90 km (55 mi) north of Manila and about 24 km (about 16 mi) east of Angeles, where the United States Air Force Base known as the Clark Air Base was located. Until 1991, Mount Pinatubo was classified as inactive because it had been dormant for at least 600 years. In June and July of that year, the volcano erupted several times, throwing millions of tons of ash and other volcanic material over 15,000 m (almost 50,000 ft) high into the atmosphere. Much of this volcanic material spread around the world in the upper atmosphere. Locally, the ash reached a depth of more than 3 m (10 ft). Heavy tropical rains turned the ash to mud and triggered massive mudslides. By late August 1991 it was estimated that 550 people had died because of the eruption and its aftermath. In addition, more than 650,000 people had lost their livelihood, and 100,000 hectares (almost 250,000 acres) of agricultural land had been devastated. The ash covered nearby Clark Air Base and sped up the U.S. pullout from Clark, which was until 1991 one of the largest U.S. Air Force bases outside of the United States. Mount Pinatubo erupted again in August 1992, causing more destruction. Mount Pinatubo is 1,780 m (5,840 ft) high.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
“Krakatau, also Krakatoa or Rakata, small volcanic island, southwestern Indonesia, in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra. Until the night of August 26-27, 1883, Krakatau had an area of 47 sq km (18 sq mi); at that time, a volcanic eruption and its consequent explosions destroyed most of the island, so the present area is only 15 sq km (6 sq mi). The eruption produced huge ocean waves called tsunamis that reached an estimated height of 30 m (100 ft) and traveled 13,000 km (8,000 mi); these waves drowned about 34,000 people along the coasts of Java and Sumatra and destroyed incalculable amounts of property. In addition, pyroclastic flows of hot volcanic ash traveled more than 40 km (25 mi) across the surface of the sea and fatally burned at least 2,000 people. An explosion in the eruption series produced one of the loudest noises in history; it was heard at a distance of 4,800 km (3,000 mi). The material ejected was in the form of fine dust, which was diffused by aerial currents throughout the upper atmosphere; for three years thereafter, observers all over the world reported brilliant colorations of sunrise and sunset, caused by the refraction of the rays of the sun by these tiny particles. The island displayed volcanic activity again in 1927, and the inhabitants were evacuated; the island is now uninhabited. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
When Novarupta erupted making a crater three miles wide it dumped six-feet of ash on Kodiak Island and over a foot of ash on the city of Anchorage Alaska 250 miles to the Northeast lowering global temperatures three degrees. It too lowered global temperatures .5 degrees C.
Katmai National Park and Preserve, southwestern Alaska, established as a national monument 1918, as a national park 1980. Located on the northeastern coast of the Alaska Peninsula, the park contains Katmai Volcano (2,047 m/6,716 ft), Novarupta Volcano, and the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. In June 1912 the newly formed Novarupta erupted violently, blowing off the entire mountaintop and showering volcanic ash over Kodiak Island and much of the Alaska mainland. The eruption formed the ash-filled Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes and probably drained molten material from beneath the peak of nearby Katmai, causing the collapse of its top and forming a large crater. When a National Geographic Society expedition discovered the valley in 1916, they found numerous fumaroles (vents issuing gases and steam), only a few of which remain. Katmai crater, about 5 km (about 3 mi) wide and about 1,130 m (about 3,700 ft) deep, is lined with glaciers, some of which flow into the blue-green lake on its floor.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Volcanoes release more CO2 than humans ever could! 90% of what comes out of volcanoes is CO2 and the climate gets cold afterwards!
Again, the IPCC bases their whole theory of global warming on a global temperature rise of .4 degrees C over five decades and are blaming it on the human release of aerosol gases and the trace gas .033% CO2. Argon from the decay of potassium isotopes in the rocks makes up 1% of our atmosphere. Shouldn’t the GW nuts be using carbon fuels to pump argon underground? Do you see the disparity here? The temperature on Earth has steadily been getting warmer as it recovers from the Little Ice Age and numerous volcanic eruptions that have been keeping the climate cold.
The present average temperature on earth is 32 degrees F. During all past geologic ages when the coal, oil and limestone were gown from CO2 the temperature on Earth was 50 to 60 degrees F.
Increasing the plant food CO2 and melting glaciers makes more land available for people to live and grow food.
Plutonium Files: How the U.S. Secretly Fed Radioactivity to Thousands of Americans
Denver-based journalist Eileen Welsome reveals how as a reporter for the tiny Albuquerque Tribune (circulation 35,000) she uncovered one of the country’s great Cold War secrets: the U.S. government had knowingly exposed thousands of human Guinea pigs with radiation poisoning including 18 Americans who had plutonium injected directly into their bloodstream. [includes rush transcript] Check this out!
The population of honey bees in the United States has fallen by fifty percent and scientists are wondering why. The antenna and micro hairs along the antenna of honey bees is the right size to pick up electromagnetic radiation from FM radio stations, cell phones, high-powered cell phone towers and other sources. As a result they are burrowing underground to escape the EMF radiation.
Twenty years ago when I turned the FM dial on my radio there were only three stations. Now when I turn the dial there are at least fifty radio stations on the FM band each putting out from five thousand watts to a hundred-thousand watts and more! And that is just in my small area of Alaska. Add to this increased EMF from low frequency broadcast bands, power lines, wi-fi, and 900-mhz mobile house phones and you have a tremendous increase of atmospheric electromagnetic overload.
On the other side of the globe you have the Russian Woodpecker pounding away on the ionosphere with low frequency radio waves to heat up portions of Russia to extend the growing season and operating time in the oil fields. The Russian Woodpecker is a network of huge low frequency transmitters designed for weather modification. The low frequency is the carrier wave which is modulated by various high frequencies up to microwave range to heat the air. Much like HAARP they pump gigawatts into the atmosphere for weather modification.
Additionally the Russians spray coal dust onto the snow around the oil fields and other industrial areas to warm the air.
On this side of the globe you have the HAARP (High Altitude Aural Research Project) project in Glenallan, Alaska pumping massive amounts of low frequency EMF into portions of the ionosphere to alter weather patterns.
In July 1995 Jean Manning telephoned the Institute of Advanced Studies at Aspen, Colorado, to ask about possible effects of the HAARP-type experiments which would make artificial electromagnetic storms above the Earth – experiments which would lift parts of the ionosphere and would literally expand those areas while accelerating more high-energy particles in the already energetic atmosphere.
HAARP would add more energy to a global system that is already stretched, replied the scientist. By “stretched”, he meant hyper stimulated by particle flows from the sun. In recent decades our sun has been spewing larger-than-usual bursts of high-energy particles into our planet’s systems. Some of the hyperactivity stated before men got into the act with nuclear explosions. With and effect similar to solar flares, manmade radiation from atomic technologies adds to the crossfire of super-speedy particles in which we live.
American astrophysicist, Adam Trombly at a Tesla conference in Germany was saying that, before men detonated underground nuclear tests or did anything else that was massively invasive to the state of balance of Earth’s systems, we were already saturated with an “energy burden” from the sun? “The system is already at ner-terminal capacity in our opinion,” said Trombly.
The fact that Earth was getting hotter was reported in the New York Times in 1991. The article said that “Arctic ice had decreased by 2% in only a nine year period.”
Then HAARP comes along…. “a project that could further destabilize an earth that’s already an unstable environment”, as Trombly put it. The thought of a planet whose systems are overloaded, and which may soon reach the point where it couldn’t take any more high-energy particles was sobering. Manning thought about the enthusiastic attitude of the scientists and military contractors whom the NO-HARP group called: “the big boys with the big toys”. Those big time experiments admit that they don’t know what will happen when they push ionospheric heating experiments into the next level. They seem so excited the macho adventure of passing the “next threshold of effects” in the ionosphere, and do not hesitate to pump gigawatts of power up there and intentionally accelerate particles in the ionosphere to “relativistic” speeds – to near light speed. Why would they be so irresponsible?
“In documents the HAARP planners put together in 1990 they say that they were intentionally trying to get a “runaway” effect in the ionosphere. This effect was new and would represent an energy threshold not yet reached with these kinds of military tools. The document said “…that at the highest HF (high frequency) energy dissipative capability, beyond maximum RF (radio frequency) energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma processes will ‘runaway’ until the next limiting factor is reached. What will happen when this runaway event occurs? In other words, they don’t know if they will set the atmosphere on fire destroying the entire planet.
Trombly pointed out a similarity between the decision to pulse several giga-watts into the ionosphere (HAARP) without knowing what will happen, and the first atomic weapon testing. Years after the test, Scientists were surprised by these results—the amplifying of the signal much like the amplifying that occurs inside a vacuum tube. I other words they were using the entire atmosphere of the earth like a giant vacuum tube to amplify the input signal thousands of times.
Thousands of tons of radioactive waste dumped into the ocean.
Ninety-thousand containers each containing 100 kilocuries of radioactive waste was dumped along the coast of the United States. These containers have rusted through by now and are leaking radioactivity that is contaminating crabs, clams, fish and other seafood consumed by humans. There is no way to recover them.
Five-hundred-thousand containers each containing 100 kilocuries of radioactive waste were dumped along the European coast. The metal containers are now leaking radioactive material into the sea contaminating fish and genetically altering plankton and and other wildlife.
Try not to worry about the atmospheric trace gas CO2.
Remember those experiments written up in National Geographic where they dumped iron filings into the ocean and later on the satellite photographs showed a big green patch?
The more dust comes in from outer space the more the plankton grows, and the more atmospheric CO2 is absorbed (and vice versa). Once again, outer space, not earth, is the cause of GW or GC. It’s natural (or supernatural), not man made. Now that we are lined up in the galactic plane we should be encountering more dust from ancient exploded stars.
When will these GW space cadets ever learn that humans are not the sole or even the main cause of GW/GC? ”Further research is needed on the GW/GC hypothesis”
Reports: Covariant Glacial-Interglacial Dust Fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific
Remember, the more carbon and iron from outer space, the more oceanic and Antarctica
Gisela Winckler,1* Robert F. Anderson,1,2 Martin Q. Fleisher,1 David McGee,1,2 Natalie Mahowald3.
Dust plays a critical role in Earth’s climate system and serves as a natural source of iron and other micronutrients to remote regions of the ocean. We have generated records of dust deposition over the past 500,000 years at three sites spanning the breadth of the equatorial
Pacific Ocean. Equatorial Pacific dust fluxes are highly correlated with global ice volume and with dust fluxes to Antarctica, which suggests that dust generation in inter-hemispheric source regions exhibited a common response to climate change over late-Pleistocene
glacial cycles. Our results provide quantitative constraints on the variability of aeolian iron supply to the equatorial Pacific Ocean and, more generally, on the potential contribution of dust to past climate change and to related changes in biogeochemical cycles.
1 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades,
NY10964, USA.
2 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia
New York, NY 10027, USA.
3 Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
Now we are getting close to the secret of how life is nourished on Earth! You have to feed a planet harboring life by dusting it with fertilizer from time to time. You don’t have to be genius to figure this out just take a good look at the data.
Most of the dust is blown away from the Earth by the solar wind but some of it makes it through and there are larger chunks out there that do!
I have been saying all along we are in the Kuppier Belt of the Sirius binary system that has 3.5 solar masses (6.8E30). The Kuppier belt and Oort clouds of our sun (2.0E30) that extends out over one light year is interacting with the Sirius Kuppier belt and Oort clouds that extend out four to eight light years. We are heading toward Sirius at 7.5 kilometers per second and it is less than 8.5 LY distant. It was 9 LY fifty years ago so we are accelerating toward it. At the present time we are in a 90 to 1 elliptical orbit around Sirius. We stop at apogee during the peak of the ice ages and are now heading back in a 105,000-year orbit!
We live in a cluster of 100 stars gravitationally ruled by Procyon and Sirius. Both these two-solar mass stars have little white dwarfs 1.5 earth diameters. The combined mass of Sirius A and B bumps up the total mass of the Sirius system up to 3.5 solar masses. Both white dwarfs put out from 100 to 1000’s of times more UV light than our sun. You can’t see this light because it is above the range of human sight in the 350 to 400 nanometer range but it makes plants grow like crazy.
The reason you won’t get this from the mainstream scientists is they tend to ignore things they can’t see. Both white dwarfs are marijuana grow lights emitting hundred of times more invisible UV than our sun. At our closest orbit point to Sirius the incoming UV light to Earth is more than doubled. This is easily calculated because we know the output of the sun and our distance plus we know the output of Sirius B. Humans and other animals will have to go underground like they have done many times in the past in order to survive the incoming radiation.
Too bad they haven’t measured the incoming dust and debris prior to the Pleistocene. I’m sure they will discover that there was at least ten times the dust coming in than there is now! Believe it or not, Earth has grown 1/3 larger from accreation. If you won’t to know how much dust and water is coming into earth each year read my book, Cosmological Ice Ages & Global Warming. It will be available on Amazon and many other places in about four months.
The latest word from my publisher is I won’t receive the proof copy of COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES until December 27 and then it will take another couple months before it is available at major book sellers. You can review a dyslexic four-year-old version of the book by going to I got the direction we are traveling toward Sirius wrong but I corrected it later. My web sites are: & This one has an actual picture of my dog on it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Triaka Smith
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 2:29 PM
The question was raised whether Government or Religion was worse in terms of control and manipulation. And my answer is...
Government is imposed by "Initiatory" Physical Force backed by weapons of violence and imprisonment. Ending this worldwide bullyism and enslavement is my primary work via the "World Cooperative" CONSTITUTION of UNITED DIVERSITY which is based on Natural Cosmic Laws supporting Freewill and Voluntarism.
As for Religion, humans have "Inherent, Inborn, Ingrained, Innate, Instinctive, Intuitive and Inalienable Rights of Sovereign Freewill" which connect directly with the Source-Of -All-That-Is, and to the extent that any religious beliefs interfere with that Direct Connection, my understanding is that its an error which remains to be corrected as Individuals learn to rely on these Inner Powers.
In the Spirit of Aloha,
That is almost correct.
RELGION HAS NEVER BEEN MORAL. They claim moral high ground but moral??? In fact, religion is responsible for killing more people than governments for example 25-million Indians in central, south and north America. This genocide is still going on.
Most all religions were invented to cheat your way into Heaven. Everyone is looking for a shortcut and are unwilling to earn their way. Christians need a scapegoat so they killed the son of God. Now they expect God to let them into Heaven because Jesus died for their sins.
Now I ask you, would you let someone into your house after they killed your son? Obviously Christianity is an offshoot of ancient pagan religion which required some kind of animal or human sacrifice. Prior to Christianity, religion was more pure because it worked with and worshiped nature (animism). When Christians utter the word “Amen” after a prayer they are invoking the ancient Egyptian sun god “Amen Ra.”
Christianity which has little use for Astrology betrays some secrets in the Gospels: John 3:30 has the Precursor (John the Baptist) say about Jesus “he must grow greater while I diminish.” John’s feast day of June 24 is the longest day for the sun, then his time diminishes, Jesus’ birthday Chrismass comes after the shortest day, then the day grows longer as the sun (son) becomes greater.
Christian days mimicked the Roman Sol Invictus cult created to preserve ancient astrological knowledge. This faded and the knowledge was lost as Christianity grew. Aurelian who had established the cult as religion said “the sun appears as an infant as the Winter Solstice.”
Muslims have ten steps or sepreths they have to attain before they can earn their way into Heaven. At least this is a more honest way to get there. Maybe that’s why this religion is so successful all over the world?
God created man in his own images with a brain and he expects us to use it. God wanted someone to talk to on an intelligent level—a sounding board to marvel at his creations. I know he doesn’t want some groveling fool prostrate before him.
According to the Bible and other ancient texts present day humans were created as slaves to serve the giant Anunnaki—the result of the mating of Nephilim (angels) with the primitive inhabitants of Earth.
DNA tests don’t lie. They release death row prisoners on the basis of DNA. Human DNA is 98% the same as Chimpanzee DNA; only chimps have 48 chromosomes while humans have 46. One chromosome is missing and two others are fused together. During the process of creating a man it was necessary to program human genes to worship their masters because it made them easier to control. This is why modern day humans still need religion.
Thousands of years of programming have made it easy for humans to give up their soul, their free will, their body, their labor, their money and even their morals to Satin or whatever religion “feels good.” Because humans are so easily manipulated into killing each other over theological semantics or false patriotism generated by government propaganda they can be used as pawns in war games. Add to this the subtle programming of government mandated school systems that keep people ignorant and it is easy to see why modern humans are so easily manipulated by contrived events to where they will sacrifice their offspring to fight an imaginary enemy dreamed up by presidential advisors to keep the economy rolling.
Global warming is about hiring more regulatory bureaucrats and your eventual enslavement! &
GW/GC is propaganda to keep us focused away from real threats to human health and the environment.
There are areas over the Pacific Ocean where airlines do not fly because radiation levels are so high. You won’t hear this from the mainstream science. Ask your airline pilots about this! Earth has been loosing it’s magnetosphere at .05%/ year for the last 1000 years. This figure seems to be directly proportional to atmospheric loss. In other words in one thousand years we will loose 50% of our atmosphere.
“Rapid changes in the churning movement of Earth’s liquid outer core are weakening the magnetic field in some regions of the planet’s surface, a new study says.
“What is so surprising is that almost sudden, changes take place in the Earth’s magnetic field,” said study co-author Niles Olsen, a geophysicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen.
“The study published in Nature Geoscience, modeled Earth’s magnetic field using nine years of highly accurate satellite data. Fluctuations in the magnetic field have occurred in several far-flung regions of Earth, the researchers found. In 2003, scientists found pronounced changes in the magnetic field in the Australian region. In 2004, however, the changes were focused on southern Africa.
“The changes “may suggest the possibility the possibility of an upcoming reversal of the geomagnetic field”, said co-author Mioara Mandea, a scientist at the German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam. The decline in the Earth’s magnetic field is also opening Earth’s upper atmosphere to intense radiation, scientists say.
“Satellite data show the geomagnetic field decreasing in the South Atlantic region, Mandea said, adding that an oval-shaped area east of Brazil is significantly weaker than similar latitudes in other parts of the world. [Notice they don’t mention the Pacific Ocean region.]
“It is this region that the shielding effect of the magnetic field is severely reduced, thus allowing high-energy particles of the hard radiation belt to penetrate deep into the upper atmosphere to altitudes below a hundred kilometers,” Mandea said.
“This radiation does not influence temperatures on Earth. However, the particles do affect technical and radio equipment and can damage electronics equipment on satellites and airplanes, said Olsen. ---source National Geographic News 30 June 2008,
“Is there something they are not telling us like the fact that when Earth looses it’s magnetosphere we will wish we had a layer of CO2 to protect us from the deadly space radiation?
One of the reasons they moved the International Space Station below 350 kilometers was to limit the radiation exposure to its occupants as it passes through parts of the Van Allan belt every three hours.
The human body can only take so much radiation exposure before cell damage has an adverse effect on the liver and immune systems. Frequent flyers might travel once a month but airline pilots are traveling at high altitudes every day. Airline pilots and their crews are getting 30 times more radiation than their frequent flyer passengers. It is written into their retirement contracts that they get extra pay for flying at high altitudes. Some airline pilots are changing jobs to fly low altitude commuter aircraft so that they can extend their carriers.
In the future humans may all have to limit our exposure like we did the past by going underground. They may also wish for more carbon dioxide to shield them from radiation make their gardens grow. &
Global Warming was invented to keep us focused away from more dire threats to human health and the Environment.
The .033% trace gas carbon dioxide is plant food necessary for us to grow crops and to sustain the ecosystem yet our government is talking about using diesel fuel to pump it underground. A recent Scientific American article proposes erecting a giant sun shade made of reflective material above the earth to reflect sunlight back into space at a cost of trillions of dollars—and they call me crazy??
Soil erosion is the “silent global crisis” undermining food production and water availability. Every year, some 62,000 square miles of land looses its vegetation and becomes degraded or turns into desert.
A Cornell University study, which pulls together statistics on soil erosion from more than 125 sources, has found that the US is loosing soil 10 times faster—and China and India 30 to 40 times faster—than the natural replenishment rate.
As a result of erosion over the past 40 years, 30 percent of the world arable land has become unproductive--this at a time when the world population is approaching 7 billion.
Food production has kept pace with population growth by increasing by 50 percent between 1980 and 2000. But it is an open question whether there will be enough food in 2050, with an estimated three billion more mouths to feed.
That means more food has to be produced within the next 50 years than during the last 10,000 years combined. --(source: The Global Report, 30 August 2007
If you like what I am reporting and would like to read more and you think there is a chance that humans might actually get off the planet some day then please go to my web sites and order some of my books. Sincerely, Hank Kroll &
Twenty years ago I had to start thinking in QFT when writing Philosopher's Stone. It took me five years to write the book and my head was spinning in higher dimensions before I finished it. So far I have had about 1000 medical doctors read it and it has been traded around to various university library's for some time now.
That's Sam's perspective. Entanglement consists in
opposite spins resulting from momentum preservation
at the moment of decay/creation. They are not
connected by any transcendental cordon ombilical, but
just have opposite spins. The claim is that by
measuring one I know the other, which is false, as I
can only surmise it.
M-state are combined atoms with all the protons in the center so the nucleus is 8 times larger than a normal atom. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity. The electrons pair up (Cooper Pair) in opposite directions forming a ring and passing each other at twice the speed of light. Because the particles are so large (about 50 times larger than an atom) the atomic forces between the particles are much weaker than an atom. This makes transmutation of elements possible because they can be ripped apart and transformed into different elements quite easily by magnetic pulses. Planck's constant: E=HF rules.
When charged up with photons the particles disappear from third dimension.
It’s hard to keep them in a Mason jar as magnetic fields push them through the glass molecules. You have to place the mason jar inside a metal can (Faraday shield) and keep it in the fridge. After you have purified a batch you have to keep it in the fridge because mold loves the stuff.
It is their unique shape that determines their properties. The best information I can gather and my own experience say they outnumber third dimensional matter at ratios of 10,000 to 1 (probably much more near the poles of black holes). Their shape dictates that they repel magnetic fields and fit the technical definition of a superconductor in that they magnetically resonant couple with each other given magnetic fields of the proper high frequency and they do it with no loss of power. Thus their very existence explains quantum entanglement.
The ancients put it in their bread for higher enlightenment and longevity. They carried it around in the Ark of the Covenant which was a wood box designed to exclude magnetic fields. King Solomon made most of his money selling bread. His bread was highly prized by the kings, priests and princes of other nations who didn't have the technology to make it.
When they opened the Great Pyramid in 1909 there was a very fine white powder on the walls and floor. Due to its physical shape the particles have anti gravity properties.They swept it up and sent some to London England. They didn' have the testing facilities to test for rhodium and gold in M-state so they threw it away.
In 1948 American soldiers were digging through two 20 by 20-foot store rooms ten feed deep filled with a white powder. They were looking for gold and didn't realize what they were digging through was gold in the m-state.
In the same year archaeologists were excavating an Egyptian gold mine on the Sinai Peninsula. They found six ten by twelve store rooms off to the side and one of them contained six-inches of a very fine white powder. The desert winds blew it away. Mankind has used the stuff for thousands of years for power and but our modern civilization hasn't got a clue.
I believe the original purpose of the Ark was to communicate with other planets. The story goes; Moses and other adepts could bring forth the Shikana Glory (electric discharge from the M-state inside the Ark) by concentrating on it from a distance. Brain power alone was creating an electron cascade. They ate the stuff and it goes through the blood brain barrier combines with fat and stays there. [David Hudson did platinum, rhodium and gold tests on dried sheep, cow and pig brains to discover that 5% was precious metals.] A powerful adept using 80% instead of the human five or ten percent of their brain practicing fifty or a hundred years could produce holographic images or at least strong thought patterns taking the place of verbal communication.
The information was transmitted instantly to other planets where a similar device was set up in a pyramid. They didn't have to wait years for the slow speed of light to transmit and receive information to the other side of the galaxy or even other galaxies. Additionally they worked with nature and understood it.
Moses and his brother Aaron used it to defeat their enemies by transmitting commands into the heads of the generals or even to stop their hearts if they didn't retreat.
This is Epistemology from someone with 10,000 days of sea time--someone who has crossed Cook Inlet by boat more times than any other living human.
Cooling of Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission
1Rudolf W. Gunnerman Energy and Environment Laboratory, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA
2Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Address correspondence to George Chilingar, Russian Academy of Natural
Sciences, USA Branch, 101 S. Windsor Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90004.
The writers investigated the effect of CO2 emission on the temperature of
atmosphere. Computations based on the adiabatic theory of greenhouse effect
show that increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere results in cooling
rather than warming of the Earth's atmosphere.
Keywords adiabatic theory, CO2 emission, global cooling, global warming
Traditional anthropogenic theory of currently observed global warming states
that release of carbon dioxide into atmosphere (partially as a result of
utilization of fossil fuels) leads to an increase in atmospheric temperature
because the molecules of CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) absorb the
infrared radiation from the Earth's surface. This statement is based on the
Arrhenius hypothesis, which was never verified (Arrhenius, 1896). The
proponents of this theory take into consideration only one component of heat
transfer in atmosphere, i.e., radiation. Yet, in the dense Earth's
troposphere with the pressure pa > 0:2 atm, the heat from the Earth's
surface is mostly transferred by convection
(Sorokhtin, 2001a). According to our estimates, convection accounts for 67%,
water vapor condensation in troposphere accounts for 25%, and radiation
accounts for about 8% of the total heat transfer from the Earth's surface to
troposphere. Thus, convection is the dominant process of heat transfer in
troposphere, and all the theories of Earth's atmospheric heating (or
cooling) first of all must consider this process of heat (energy)-mass
redistribution in atmosphere (Sorokhtin, 2001a, 2001b; Khilyuk and
Chilingar, 2003, 2004).
When the temperature of a given mass of air increases, it expands, becomes
lighter, and rises. In turn, the denser cooler air of upper layers of troposphere descends and replaces the warmer air of lower layers. This physical system (multiple cells of air convection) acts in the Earth's troposphere like a continuous surface cooler. The cooling effect by air convection can surpass considerably the warming effect of radiation.
The most important conclusion from this observation is that the temperature
distribution in the troposphere has to be close to adiabatic because the air
mass expands and cools while rising and compresses and heats while dropping.
This does not necessarily imply that at any particular instant distribution
of temperature has to be adiabatic. One should consider some averaged
distribution over the time intervals of an order of months.
Key Points of the Adiabatic Theory of Greenhouse Effect
By definition, the greenhouse effect is the difference T between the average
temperature of planet surface Ts and its effective temperature Te (which is
determined by the solar radiation and the Earth's albedo): [much snippage of equations, graphs and text]
Figure 1. Relationship between the temperature and elevation above sea level
for (1) existing nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere on Earth, and (2) hypothetical
carbon dioxide atmosphere.
Figure 2. Relationship between temperature and elevation above Venus surface
for (1) existing carbon dioxide atmosphere, and (2) hypothetical
nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere.
The averaged temperature distributions for the existing carbon dioxide and
nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere on Venus are shown in Figure 2.
During the latest three millennia, one can observe a clear cooling trend in
the Earth's climate (Keigwin, 1996; Sorokhtin and Ushakov, 2002; Gerhard,
2004; Khiyuk and Chilingar, 2006; Sorokhtin et al., 2007). During this
period, deviations of the global temperature from this trend reached up to
3iC with a clear trend of decreasing global temperature by about 2iC.
Relatively short-term variations in global temperature are mainly caused by
the variations in solar activity and are not linked to the changes in carbon
dioxide content in atmosphere.
Accumulation of large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to
the cooling, and not to warming of climate, as the proponents of traditional
anthropogenic global warming theory believe (Aeschbach-Hertig, 2006). This
conclusion has a simple physical explanation: when the infrared radiation is
absorbed by the molecules of greenhouse gases, its energy is transformed
into thermal expansion of air, which causes convective fluxes of air masses
restoring the adiabatic distribution of temperature in the troposphere. Our
estimates show that release of small amounts of carbon dioxide (several
hundreds ppm), which are typical for the scope of anthropogenic emission,
does not influence the global temperature of Earth's atmosphere.
Arrhenius, S. 1896. On influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the
temperature of the ground. Phil. Mag. 41:237-276.
Aeschbach-Hertig, W. 2007. Rebuttal of "On global forces of nature driving
the Earth's climate. Are humans involved?" by L. F. Khilyuk and G. V.
Chilingar. Env. Geol.
Bachinskiy, A. I., Putilov, V. V., and Suvorov, N. P. 1951. Handbook of
Physics. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 380 pp.
Gerhard, L. C. 2004. Climate change: Conflict of observational science,
theory, and politics. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. 88:1211-1220.
Keigwin, L. D. 1996. The little ice age and medieval warm period in the
Sargasso Sea. Science 274:1504-1508.
Khilyuk, L. F., Chilingar, G. V., Endres, B., and Robertson, J. 2000. Gas
Migration. Houston: Gulf Publishing Company, 389 pp.
Khilyuk, L. F., and Chilingar, G. V. 2003. Global warming: Are we confusing
cause and effect? Energy Sources 25:357-370.
Khilyuk, L. F., and Chilingar, G. V. 2004. Global warming and long-term
climatic changes: A progress report. Environ. Geol. 46:970-979.
Khilyuk, L. F., and Chilingar, G. V. 2006. On global forces of nature
driving the Earth's climate. Are humans involved? Environ. Geol. 50:899-910.
Landau, L. D., and Lifshits, E. M. 1979. Statistical Physics. Moscow: Nauka,
559 pp.
Marov, M. Ya. 1986. Planets of Solar System, Moscow: Nauka, 320 pp.
Robinson, A. B., Baliunas, S. L., Soon, W., and Robinson, Z. W. 1998.
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There is no logical explanation for the coal deposits 100-feet thick and limestone layers 12,500-feet thick laid down during the Carboniferous Era—especially with our sun as the only light source. To begin with, our sun is not an ideal grow light and it doesn’t suddenly change its spectrum into the UV! Hard coal has a 40 to 1 compression ratio and soft coal is 20 to 1 In order to have layers of coal 100-feet thick in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado and Wyoming—even during an 80-million-year warm spell would requires 4,000 feet of plant growth (carbon) removed out of the air and then compressed down to 100 feet and this is impossible under present atmospheric conditions.
The only possible explanation to account for such extreme plant growth would be an input of UV light 24-hours a day and a 200-pound per square inch atmosphere with carbon dioxide at 10 to 12%. This strengthens our position immensely that our Sun was in a close 1/10th light year circular orbit around the Sirius A & B binary star system which is the only object in space capable of doubling incoming UV light to Earth!
During the Carboniferous Era 400-million to 320-million years ago the average temperature of Earth was as high as 80 degrees F. The average temperature on Earth today is 32 degrees F. –Time-Life books Weather and Climate
We have a long way to go before we have true global warming. The only reason we are not in an Ice Age right now is because somebody brought the Moon in and tilted the Earth 23.5 degrees. Our Sun doesn’t have enough power to keep us out of Ice Ages otherwise we wouldn’t have them!
In my book, COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES & GLOBAL WARMING we explain who brought the Moon in and how we got blasted into our present 90 to 1 elliptical orbit around the Sirius system three-million years ago. Now we go out to nine light years and everything freezes up. We are now at 8.5 light years from Sirius and heading back at a speed of 7.5 kilometers per second so we can eventually expect some global warming as we enter warmer space around the Sirius system. The gravity in that neighborhood is twenty times greater than our sun so we will eventually be traveling at a speed of about 200 kilometers per second. The Kuppier belts of our Sun and the Sirius star system is already starting to interact.
Regarding carbon dioxide absorption: In the process of photosynthesis certain carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water in the chloroplasts of living plant cells, oxygen being a byproduct and light the source of energy. The chemical equation for the process is: 6CO2+6H2O+673 kg. cal of radiant energy C2H12+6O2.
A hexose sugar is conventionally considered to be the basic carbohydrate product of photosynthesis, although in actuality the situation is much more complex. Most of the carbon dioxide used is diffuses into the leaf through the stomates and dissolves in wet cell walls bordering the intercellular spaces, from where it diffuses in solution into the chloroplasts. In most cases less than 1% of the water absorbed is used in photosynthesis. This negates mainstream know-it-all statements that most of the oxygen released in the process of photosynthesis comes from water and not from carbon dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide is not a greenhouse gas because it tends to hug the ground near where it is released. That is why there is a timberline. Trees won’t grow above a certain altitude because there isn’t enough CO2 (plant food). Carbon dioxide weighs 1.977 grams per cubic liter as compared with Nitrogen at 1.2506 grams per liter and Oxygen 1.429 grams per liter. In other words, Carbon dioxide is 36.743% heavier than Nitrogen and 27.72% heavier than oxygen. –Thomas J. Glover Pocket reference
Urban areas also suffer from lack of oxygen because so many people are burning things. Human release of CO2 affects the climate very minimally except around urban areas where there is a high concentration displacing oxygen and nitrogen because it makes up such a small percentage of our atmosphere—only .033%.
The global mean surface "Temp"erature data are the GISS
adjusted J-D yearly land and sea average, available from
NASA at:
The "CO2" data are the yearly averages of the monthly data
from the Keeling curve measured at Mauna Loa, available at:
Heart disease is the number one killer on the world today killing 7.2 million people every year. The increasing numbers are possibly due to better detection and diagnostic methods.
Cancer and asthma rank second and third. Cancer kills 560,000 Americans each year. Many of these deaths are preventable though proper education.
Whenever the US invades a foreign sovereign nation like Iraq the number of deaths from war is ramped up to around 500,000. The unthinkable all-out war using WOMD would kill millions.
The fourth cause of death in the world would be starvation—mostly due the corporate takeover of food production which produce genetically modified foods with no food value. It is estimated that the introduction of GM foods will reduce world population by an estimated three billion within the next ten years. These are the very same foods that are the leading cause cancer and heart disease.
Bankrupting family farms was the plan to remove an “excess of human resources”. Engdahl called it “a thinly veiled form of food imperialism” as part of a scheme for the US to become “the world granary.” The small family farm had to go. Agriculture had to be turned into “agribusiness” dominated by a few corporate giants with incestuous ties to Washington.
Dollar devaluation was also part of the scheme. Under Nixon’s economic plan the gold window was closed in 1971 to let the currency float freely. Developing nations were targeted as well with the idea that they forget about being food-self-sufficient in grains and beef, rely on America for key commodities and concentrate instead on small fruits, sugar and vegetables for export.
Earned foreign exchange could then buy US imports and repay International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank loans that create a never-ending cycle of debt slavery.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was also used, as was later the WTO with rules written by corporations to suit their bottom line.
In the midst of a world-wide drought, and a stock market collapse Henry Kissinger released the April 1974 classified memo. National Security Study memorandum 200 (NSSM 200) was shaped by Rockefeller interests and aimed to adopt a “World Population Plan to action” for drastic global population control i.e. reduction. The US lead the effort, making birth control in developing countries a prerequisite for US aid.
Engdahl summed it up in blunt terms; “If these inferior races get in the way of our securing ample, cheap, raw materials, then we must find ways to get rid of them.”
The NAZI also aimed big and sought control of the world. Population culling or “eugenics” was part of their scheme to target “inferior” races to preserve the “superior” one. Kissinger’s scheme of “simpler contraceptive methods through bio-medical research” was reminiscent of DuPont’s old slogan, “Better things for better living” which was later dropped for, “Better things fore better living through chemistry.” As evidence increased in the toxic effect of chemicals they began using the new slogan, “The Miracles of Science.”
Kissinger’s plan had two aims. 1. Secure US grain markets. 2. Control populations. Thirteen unlucky countries were chosen, India, Brazil, Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia to mention a few. Exploiting their resources depended on instituting drastic population reductions to reduce home-grown demand.
Automobiles kill about 63,000 people in the US each year.
There are 21,000 deaths per year in the US from radon gas and radon and 400,000 deaths from radon world wide! This is amazing because this is about 1/3 the number of deaths from auto accidents and you never hear anything about this horrible threat to human health and the environment. Big business must keep this secret and keep us focused on bogus disinformation such as GW and GC.
Can you imagine how much Hell would break out if there were 20 deaths from bird flue in the US? When someone died from botulism from eating peanut butter we heard about on the news for over a week! They have been telling us there is no radon on the planet and the propaganda goes on and on so they can keep on burning fossil fuels.
Global Warming was invented to keep us focused away from more dire threats to human health and the Environment.
The .033% trace gas carbon dioxide is plant food necessary for us to grow crops and to sustain the ecosystem yet our government is talking about using diesel fuel to pump it underground. A recent Scientific American article proposes erecting a giant sun shade made of reflective material above the earth to reflect sunlight back into space at a cost of trillions of dollars—and they call me crazy??
Soil erosion is the “silent global crisis” undermining food production and water availability. Every year, some 62,000 square miles of land looses its vegetation and becomes degraded or turns into desert.
A Cornell University study, which pulls together statistics on soil erosion from more than 125 sources, has found that the US is loosing soil 10 times faster—and China and India 30 to 40 times faster—than the natural replenishment rate.
As a result of erosion over the past 40 years, 30 percent of the world arable land has become unproductive--this at a time when the world population is approaching 7 billion.
Food production has kept pace with population growth by increasing by 50 percent between 1980 and 2000. But it is an open question whether there will be enough food in 2050, with an estimated three billion more mouths to feed.
That means more food has to be produced within the next 50 years than during the last 10,000 years combined. --(source: The Global Report, 30 August 2007
To learn more how these plans are instituted and controlled by the people who own the Federal Reserve System of banks (that have nothing to do with the US government) buy my book: The Frog is Cooked. and