Monday, October 31, 2011

Bogus climate change take away your freedom.

Thirty one thousand four hundred 86 scientists have signed a petition including 9,029 with PhDs rejecting the government's global warming project. Go:

Bogus GW/GC is about forcing you to drive a smaller car, have fewer children, live in a smaller house, and restrict your travel while the rich get to keep on doing what the hell ever they want.

Al Gore is one prime example whose house in Tennissee has a $2,760/month light bill. He made millions selling phoney carbon credits to big corporations. The money is supposed to be spent planting trees and other things to offset the carbon release but most of it goes into Al Gore's pocket.

Carbon Dioxide is a trace gas amounting to only .033% of our atmosphere while nitrogen is 78% and oxygen 20%. Carbon Dioxide is not a greenhouse gas because it makes up such a small percentage of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is plant food. Without it your garden will not grow and everyonhe will starve.

Early Earth had a 750 pounds per square inch atmosphere. Now it is down to 14.5 PSI at sea level. This means that Earth has lost 98% of its atmosphere and radiation shielding. It was taken down by photosynthesis using light not from our sun but another star system that we are in orbit around.

Earth is also still currently in an Ice Age with an average temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. All past geologic ages going back 650-million years the average temperature on Earth was 60 to 90 degrees and Earth had no ice caps.

After the Banard's Loop explosion 3-million years ago that kicked three, two-solar-mass, stars out of Orion in a triangle formation at 200 kilometer per second, our Sun lost its tractor beam. We broke free of Sirius B and started making elliptical orbits around the Sirius sytem. The first Ice Ages were small, only 4 to 5-thousand years. As the Earth kept going further out into the cold of space Earth started getting small ice caps. As our elliptical orbit steadily increased the Ice Ages were longer. We now go out to 9 light years away from Sirius and Ice Ages last 90-thousand years.

The only reason we are not sitting under ice right now is because somebody came along and tilted the Earth 23.5 degrees in relation to the sun's rays so that it thawed the ice caps back 1,800 miles. This doubled arable land and warmed Earth for larger populations of humans and animals.They actually did it to mine gold. The Biblical Gods that created mankind as slaves to mine gold didn't care if we survived or not.

Tilting Earth and putting the Moon into orbit 12715 years ago increased volcanism to replenish the atmosphere. Earth had lost 98% of its atmosphere from 750 PSI down to 14.5 at sea level. At the present time we have lost over half the oxygen producing, plankton in the oceans, two-thirds of the rainforests have beeen burned, half the fish are gone and half the top soil has blown away or washed into the oceans. The radionactivity of the planet has doubled since the Atomic Age....Its time to wake up! 

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