Last Action:
Dec 1, 2011:
See also H.R. 1540.
Other Titles:
-- Military
Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
See the Related Legislation page for other bills related to this
one and a list of subject terms that have been applied to this bill.
Sometimes the text of one bill or resolution is incorporated into another,
and in those cases the original bill or resolution, as it would appear here,
would seem to be abandoned.
Dec 1, 2011:
This bill passed in the Senate by roll call vote. The totals
were 93 Ayes, 7 Nays. Vote Details.
Congressional Research
Service Summary
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2012 - Authorizes appropriations for the Department of Defense (DOD) for
FY2012. Authorizes appropriations to DOD for: (1) procurement, including
aircraft, missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, ammunition,
shipbuilding and conversion, and other procurement; (2) research, development,
test, and evaluation; (3) operation and maintenance; (4) active and reserve
military personnel; (5) Working Capital Funds; (6) the National Defense Sealift
Fund; (7) the Defense Health Program; (8) chemical agents and munitions
destruction; (9) drug interdiction and counter-drug activities; (10) the
Defense Inspector General; (11) the Armed Forces Retirement Home; (12) overseas
contingency operations; (13) the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Security Investment Program; (14) Guard and reserve forces facilities; (15)
base closure and realignment activities; and (16) the Defense Nuclear
Facilities Safety Board. Sets forth provisions or requirements concerning: (1)
military personnel policy, including education and training, military justice,
and sexual assault prevention and response; (2) military pay and allowances;
(3) military health care; (4) acquisition policy and management, including
major defense acquisition programs; (5) DOD organization and management,
including space, intelligence, and cybersecurity matters; (6) financial
matters, including counter-drug activities and detainee matters; (7) civilian
personnel matters; (8) matters relating to foreign nations, including
assistance and training; (9) cooperative threat reduction; and (10) matters
relating to military construction and military family housing. Revises and adds
new offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) relating to
rape, sexual assault, and other sexual misconduct. Provides procedures for the
judicial review of decisions concerning the correction of military personnel
records. Consolidates and revises DOD travel and transportation authorities.
Establishes: (1) the Joint Urgent Operational Needs Fund, and (2) the Global
Security Contingency Fund. Requires a DOD plan to acquire capabilities to
detect previously unknown cyber attacks. Military Construction Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2012 - Authorizes appropriations for FY2012 for military
construction for the Armed Forces and defense agencies. Authorizes
appropriations to the Department of Energy (DOE) for DOE national security
programs. Authorizes the obligation and expenditure of amounts specified in
funding tables for a DOD project, program, or activity authorized under this
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