All the Senators and President are sworn to uphold the Constitution but will violate their Oath of Office in favor of corporate money--or at least that is their excuse for taking away your Right to free Speech and your 4th and 5th Amendment Rights. How are candidates going to get the word out prior to the election if all blogs and e-mails are censored by the government? This is a political end-run to restrict free speech, your right to assemble and your right to petition the government for redress of grievance.
The Military Appreciations bill signed on New Years in Hawaii by Barack Obama allows the military to lock up Americans on American soil or anywhere if someone decides they are a terrorist. This is the McCarthy Era all over again--only instead of locking up accused Communists forever without trial its people accused of terrorism and that could include speaking out against this bill.
January19, 2012
DearMr. Kroll:
Thank you for contacting me about the ProtectingReal Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act(PROTECT IP). I support a free and open Internet.
With online commerce continuingto grow and evolve as a significant portion of our country's economy—as well as day-to-day life for many Alaskans—it isimportant we maintain the free flow of information while at the same time protecting users against the threatof cyber theft or attack. The debate about how to protect intellectual property rights andfight online piracy and counterfeit operations has been goingon for over a decade.
Both the PROTECT IP Actand the version in the House of Representatives, the StopOnline Piracy Act (SOPA), have received a large amount of attention from consumers and companies who are concerned about the impacton innovation and the flow of information online. I believe intellectual property rights should be respectedand we should address how they areenforced. However, I do not feel the protectionsshould restrict the flow of information through search engines or technical alterations. I will continue to review the legislation and details as we move closer to a vote.
I am continuing to monitor the development of online commerce which I believe will help grow businesses in Alaska. Online privacy and the protection of freespeech are importantto Alaskans, and I appreciatehearing your comments on pending legislation.
Please feel free to stay in touch as we continue to debate these issues.
Mark Begich
U.S. Senator
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